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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Book 2 title

I'm starting Book 2 so I thought I would release the Title. Book 1 was Truths and Transformations. Book 2 is Quests and Questions, I'm pumped to begin. Book 1 is done and will be on sale as EBook on Amazon soon.....more info to follow guys.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sorry for the Silence.

Sorry guys craziness with me as the norm. But L.J. is nearly done and will be available on Amazon in Ebook format soon and in paperback in 80,000 retailers worldwide on request by the end of the year. More to follow.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Staying the course

I'm still going to publish through JustFiction! Edition. Had a crazy morning with a side of pity party....But I'm much better now.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Never mind!!

I'm a moron, The publishing thing is not as great as I thought it was, so I'm just going to back to writing. I feel like an idiot.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

More L.J. Stevans news!!

The PDF version will be on sale soon on Amazon and I-Book store, and prices will be as follows - 2.99 EUR or about 5 bucks for the e-book and 11.90 EUR or about 16 bucks for the paperback format. I'll give more info as I get it. The version you can buy will feature many updates, all errors will be fixed, a few surprises, and a new written epilogue ending on part 20, setting up what is next for L.J.

One journey ends another begins.

Hey guys, so since The Chronicles will now be published and sold, posting them here does not seem to be logical. However I will still post updates about the book and every so often L.J. may even write an entry or 2. So thank you for all the support and when you see this book buy it and if you like I'll sign it if that even matters, but hey you never know some day my John Hancock could be worth something.

The Big News!!!

OK guys I know it has been a few days but I just got word that JustFiction! Edition will be publishing The Chronicles Of L.J. Stevans, as of now it looks like an release for early next year. Thanks for all your support, and hopefully this is the first step in a much longer a bigger journey.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hello All

Hey guys, I know that over the last few weeks I have been putting stories out ever day or so. I'm not sure when or if I can post again, but I will know Monday, My (hopefully) publishers are going to let me know if they are picking me up and publishing L.J. or not, if so I would assume they would not want me to keep posting for free what they are going to sell, but I do not have a clue to how this works. I am just here for the ride. Either way I will let you all know. Regardless of what happens I just wanted to thank you all for your support, it was you guys here on blogger that kept my dream going so again thank you. Let you know soon.