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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

More we change the more we blah blah blah

WOW folks, over 6 BILLION dollars spent on campaigning for political offices across the board and what did it buy us? The exact same divisive, uncompromising and dysfunctional House of Reps and Senate, arguably we have ever had in our history which is fitting I guess, to go along with our, arguably most polarizing and divisive President our nation has ever had. You would think that after 6 Billion spent that there would be some light at the end of the dark gloomy tunnel our country has been wandering aimlessly in for over a decade now. I'm not saying a change in Congress would guarantee positive results. However, can anybody truly say that for 6 Billion dollars we are ready to endure 4 more years of this same dour government that has very little aim, other than to prove to either side that theirs is the correct form of democracy. I'm not sure I can recall a time when our country (which despite all the issues is still a great nation) was more divided (save the Civil War period) and content with mediocrity than it is right now. If we want a change in our world it is clear now it has to start at the personal level. So I beg you, before you let the results of this political season really set in, look around and see how you can help your friends, or even strangers around you. It's only by reconnecting as a populace that we will ever show we are ready for any real form of change. Peace my friends, FB or otherwise.


  1. G'day Dave. I doubt that our government here is much better. Though at this stage even if the opposition were elected, we probably wouldn't be better off. I agree, we need to reconnect as a whole, but to be honest, only some will do that, not everyone wants to take the time or trouble !!
    Hope you and your family are well.I will be in Paris in January, shame I can't make it to Germany. Take care. Liz...

  2. G'day Dave. What's happening? Where are you? Why no blog posts for me to read? Happy New Year to you and your family. Hope it's a safe and happy one. Take care. Liz...

  3. G'day Dave. Where are You? It' been such a long time since you have posted anything. Hope all is going okay for you and your family. Take care. Liz...
