My name is Dave and a year ago I was medically retired from the military and, well life has been hard since then so I thought it could help to share my experiences with the public.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
I am on break until Monday guys.
My family went to spend the weekend with their family, Mel's mom is turning 80 and I could not make the trip, it was an overnighter and I just wouldn't able to make it through with my back and stuff so I'm here and not feeling great but a ton is going on this weekend and I will weigh in on Monday sorry folks.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
A ton of pain guys, here's some quick hits.
Well guys I'm not well right now, so I am sitting up, which I can barely do so I'm gonna quickly hit on the things happening and I will catch more up tomorrow.
Obama Produced his birth certificate, some wording on it has people Still crying foul, there is just now win here for anyone in this situation, but considering I thought some whack job was gonna off him about 35 seconds into his first speech, I think he can handle a little word throwing.
My Bulls advance to the second round of the NBA playoffs, sadly my Blackhawks fell just short of an epic comeback in the NHL's, but het hey at least I'm a hockey fan now.
Season finale of the Office is soon and Steve Carrell is about gone, what will they do next?
More weather issues killing a bunch of folks, who ever hit-n-quit mother earth needs to bring some flowers and candy soon because she is pissed.
NFL draft is upon us....and I'm not really into it, I miss all my friends to be honest.
Ok eye listeners that's all my back can take I'm sorry, will post soon.
Obama Produced his birth certificate, some wording on it has people Still crying foul, there is just now win here for anyone in this situation, but considering I thought some whack job was gonna off him about 35 seconds into his first speech, I think he can handle a little word throwing.
My Bulls advance to the second round of the NBA playoffs, sadly my Blackhawks fell just short of an epic comeback in the NHL's, but het hey at least I'm a hockey fan now.
Season finale of the Office is soon and Steve Carrell is about gone, what will they do next?
More weather issues killing a bunch of folks, who ever hit-n-quit mother earth needs to bring some flowers and candy soon because she is pissed.
NFL draft is upon us....and I'm not really into it, I miss all my friends to be honest.
Ok eye listeners that's all my back can take I'm sorry, will post soon.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Wonders never cease.
Well I had my 18 retirement evaluation today, and holy crap, it looks like I now need glasses, they covered my right eye and hello blur-vile where our motto is holy crap I can't see. They I went over to get my ears re-checked and now my right ear is even worse and I was already 80% def in it to start so they want me to come back and get a hearing aid. So lets do the new list. I turn 28 on May 21st, I have been Medically retired from the U.S. Army for well over a year, I make use of a cane, a walker, and a wheel chair when needed. I have a Stimulator implanted into my spine, and now I am going to need to get glasses and a hearing aid, so if there is a god he must sure love you guys to put me here strictly for your entertainment, and is it just happenstance that the NEW DOOMS DAY SCARE is set for my birthday of the this year, awesome. Question on the end of the world and if it is set, well if the world ends on the 21st does that mean we will END in sections because it's the 21st at different times in different parts of the world or is it May 21st Midnight Eastern Standard Time, just wondering, the heads up will help.
OK my Bulls and Blackhawks both go for their playoff opening round victories tonight so here's to round 2 gents.
In other big news Charlie Sheen got dumped, Playstation Network has been Sunk, and Katie Couric leaves CBS, signs of the end indeed, peace eye listeners.
OK my Bulls and Blackhawks both go for their playoff opening round victories tonight so here's to round 2 gents.
In other big news Charlie Sheen got dumped, Playstation Network has been Sunk, and Katie Couric leaves CBS, signs of the end indeed, peace eye listeners.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Hockey is not as boring as I thought.
The Blackhawks have just tied the series in the playoffs, they were down 3 - 0 and had to win 3 straight to force a game seven which they did tonight in a stunning overtime win, and let me just say wow. I had fun watching it, I don't watch hockey not even last year when the Hawks won it all, but I have to say I might start getting into it a bit.
Another week starts off with no sleep and that blows, but I have to stay positive, tough week as well as long so I need to push through it.
Well here is question number 9 on the list, just gonna throw it out there, and we will talk more about it later.
Is this world devoid of " magic "? Does or did it ever exist? There are all kinds of writings back to the times when many gods were worshiped and magic in different forms was somewhat accepted. Was it just an age that couldn't understand the scientific world around them or does magic exist ? May seem stupid but give it some thought.
Another week starts off with no sleep and that blows, but I have to stay positive, tough week as well as long so I need to push through it.
Well here is question number 9 on the list, just gonna throw it out there, and we will talk more about it later.
Is this world devoid of " magic "? Does or did it ever exist? There are all kinds of writings back to the times when many gods were worshiped and magic in different forms was somewhat accepted. Was it just an age that couldn't understand the scientific world around them or does magic exist ? May seem stupid but give it some thought.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
While the cats away the mice will.....not blog
Hey guys my old blog-mobile has been staling out on me the last few days and by that I mean my brain hurts, I'm not feeling great as far as my body goes right now and I have been trying to think about how to right our ship that has been sent adrift the last few months. First I have got to fight the VA harder, I have had 6 surgeries on my back and groin, countless cortisone shots and a have a electronic stimulator implanted into my spine for the rest of my life, also I have to use a cane just get around for everyday use, a walker for longer trips to the store and such and now I even have to use a wheel chair if I want to go to like a flee market or something. The point is, where does it end, I have gained over 140 pounds since all this happened and to be honest I don't even eat all that much, I don't drink soda I don't eat junk but I can't seem to shed any weight and honestly I don't know how to find my way back. One thing I do know is that the VA should be supporting me more than 20 percent and that's not even new money, you see what they did was they took 20 percent from what I get from the Army Medical Retirement Fund and made it tax free so I get like 6 bucks more that what I was getting and just to be clear I only get 950 bucks from that anyway and they made 246 of that tax free and I am supposed to be happy about that. I spent 14 months jumping through their hoops to get my claim processed, 14 months ....for 20 percent that is not even new money I mean what a joke. Lets not even start on with that joke of a program the 9/11 GI BILL, talk about a screw job, but different story for a different day. Now I know I haven't blogged about this stuff in a while and that my forum has taken on a more casual entertainment feel, which I enjoy it helps me reconnect with a world I feel isolated from, but I can't forget why I started this thing and that was not only to help me clear my head and take back my life but also to raise awareness of the constant struggle wounded warriors such as my self have to go through. So I make a request to all of you who enjoy the blog, know me or another vet that is struggling, support us, pass the blog on, follow this blog, write a letter, make a call, let the world know that we are still here and for us the fighting has stopped just because we left the battlefield. Most problems still exist because someone, anyone just refuses to bend over and offer a hand, and not a handout to those on the ground.
Second I have to find more ways to make some money, I have so many ideas but I just can't seem to think how to get it going so if anyone has any business experience or are well off and want to share some info with a man that has some legit great ideas and wants to improve his families station well, then Facebook me. Or just shout em out we are all a family on Blogspot.
OK thanks I had to get that outta me. OK next. I got a song of the day that kinda helped me write that above, check it out, classic song with a powerful message
My Bulls lost game 4 so no sweep but that's OK we needed a good fight in round one to wake us up time to close out in game 5 and get ready for round 2.
My Cubbies fought hard to up end the Dodgers last night so yeah, go Cubs Go.
Happy Easter my friends, I hope you all have a great day, no matter what your faith, colored eggs children think are delivered by bunnies is just cute, Zombie Jesus or no Zombie Jesus.
Second I have to find more ways to make some money, I have so many ideas but I just can't seem to think how to get it going so if anyone has any business experience or are well off and want to share some info with a man that has some legit great ideas and wants to improve his families station well, then Facebook me. Or just shout em out we are all a family on Blogspot.
OK thanks I had to get that outta me. OK next. I got a song of the day that kinda helped me write that above, check it out, classic song with a powerful message
My Bulls lost game 4 so no sweep but that's OK we needed a good fight in round one to wake us up time to close out in game 5 and get ready for round 2.
My Cubbies fought hard to up end the Dodgers last night so yeah, go Cubs Go.
Happy Easter my friends, I hope you all have a great day, no matter what your faith, colored eggs children think are delivered by bunnies is just cute, Zombie Jesus or no Zombie Jesus.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Away from the list another question emerges.
Hey guys, well I was talking to a good friend of mine, a dude with very, shall we say interesting views, he seems to not see how confrontational his view are with each other, but then again most of us don't and that's fine. At first I thought it was just because he was a Jersey D-bag, and I say that with the utmost love for this guy but hey Jersey is Jersey. After thinking about it, his conflicting thoughts are not " Jersey " related at all, but maybe one of the best example of humanism I have ever seen. You see as a species like any other animal on this planet we want to be able to grow, mate, adapt, and survive but as humans we want something else, reason, understanding, comprehension, which is what divides us from the animals, a dog doesn't try to understand why he licks his butt, but, or should I say however if a human were to do something even the most benign we want understanding of why we do it. And that is what I took from our talk yesterday. Principles of right and wrong are clearly etched but very often skewered through differing ideologies, religious view or even upbringing, now while the 3 may seem interlaced it's the experiences along those varied paths that determine our personalities and by proxy our " morale compass ". But it is only by questioning those views, those principles do we find our way back to the most primitive of desires, growth, which for us can be directly connected to our capacity to understand them and with time ourselves. Love ya Tommy, thanks for pushing my mind to this train of though, haven't been that focused in a while.
In other news, the new Glee was awesome, though I do wish, even though I have ZERO issue sexuality and the choices that lay within, they would stop shoving it down our throats.
My thoughts on JFK are as followed, I don't think a crime as big as taking a Presidents life on a stage such as that cold morning can be carried out by one buy, many different agendas were realized that day and adding to that the way it all was made a spectacle of in court and on TV and in many Blogs, hmmmm hmmmmmmm, for years to come, you have a self perpetuation cover and distraction to all the events that came before and after his death, just a thought. Kinda disappointed no one responded, if you all are not into it I can move on it's all good, just let me know eye listeners.
In other news, the new Glee was awesome, though I do wish, even though I have ZERO issue sexuality and the choices that lay within, they would stop shoving it down our throats.
My thoughts on JFK are as followed, I don't think a crime as big as taking a Presidents life on a stage such as that cold morning can be carried out by one buy, many different agendas were realized that day and adding to that the way it all was made a spectacle of in court and on TV and in many Blogs, hmmmm hmmmmmmm, for years to come, you have a self perpetuation cover and distraction to all the events that came before and after his death, just a thought. Kinda disappointed no one responded, if you all are not into it I can move on it's all good, just let me know eye listeners.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Here's a link for some thoughts.
To help fuel the juices here is a great link for a ton of info on JFK's killing, there may be no question as to who pulled the trigger but the deeper question is was anyone pulling his strings. Enjoy eye listeners
Great idea and Go BULLS.
Hey folks well the Bulls are now up 2 - 0 on the Pacers and even though they still are not playing their best ball, they are getting the job done, so as Charlie Sheen would say .... duh winning.
Average Raw tonight the draft is next week so it will be fun to see who changes brands and also the Rock will be back on May 2nd so that should be fun if you smell what the Rock is cookin.
My Cubbies won a nice game tonight to pull back to 500 ball which is nice, just try to keep it together early and stay in it guys.
My 18 month retirement evaluation is coming up and maybe I can see a bit more money lord knows I need it.
OK so I have been trying to think of what my next list should be and I got it, this should be fun, controversial and thought provoking, even more so if you guys join in.
The Top Ten Unanswered Questions In The World.
For number 10 I'm going old school, with maybe one of the biggest questions and the reason for many conspiracy theory groups out there. Feel free to answer and how this will work is I will wait a day for you guys then chime in with my thoughts the next day and intro the next question.
Number 10.
Who really killed JFK?
Average Raw tonight the draft is next week so it will be fun to see who changes brands and also the Rock will be back on May 2nd so that should be fun if you smell what the Rock is cookin.
My Cubbies won a nice game tonight to pull back to 500 ball which is nice, just try to keep it together early and stay in it guys.
My 18 month retirement evaluation is coming up and maybe I can see a bit more money lord knows I need it.
OK so I have been trying to think of what my next list should be and I got it, this should be fun, controversial and thought provoking, even more so if you guys join in.
The Top Ten Unanswered Questions In The World.
For number 10 I'm going old school, with maybe one of the biggest questions and the reason for many conspiracy theory groups out there. Feel free to answer and how this will work is I will wait a day for you guys then chime in with my thoughts the next day and intro the next question.
Number 10.
Who really killed JFK?
Love of Bulls, and random thoughts.
Well guys strap in because it's time to jump on the random thought train have fun.
To see the Bulls do well this year means a lot to me, it takes me back when Micheal Jordan and my Bulls were the toast of the sports world, and lets face it sports need teams like that so, even though no one will ever be his airness I can still hold out hope.
Must say Dragon Age 2 on Xbox is the bomb diggidy, great game and a great series.
What is up the the FBI busting the 3 biggest online poker sites and why is it that only we the Americanos cannot play that's crap but hey if I'm not happy then ..... well you cry too.
Nick Cage got busted to wife abuse, well I guess we can forget about National Treasure 3, Disney hates family abuse, anti-semitism is fine, just don't hit your family.
TNA wrestlings PPV last night was very bad, but people get amped because a guy does a moonsault off a cage , forget the fact that it was ugly and he missed it and botched most of the moves in the match, but because the people got some blood they were happy, you see it's the fan killing wrestling and our blood-lust, blood can be a great way to help tell a story within a match but just as a gimmick.... come on.
If you like junk you have to watch a show called American Pickers it's awesome, these guys go to people houses and look through their junk and buy it, it's neat.
Got a few great T-shirt and tech ideas but I don't really know how to get started.
Man I can't wait for Dead Island.
All right eye listeners I'm about out, hey quick shout to new readers if you look on the right side you will see a follow button, click it and that way ... well it will make me feel good if you follow, help my pride folks.
To see the Bulls do well this year means a lot to me, it takes me back when Micheal Jordan and my Bulls were the toast of the sports world, and lets face it sports need teams like that so, even though no one will ever be his airness I can still hold out hope.
Must say Dragon Age 2 on Xbox is the bomb diggidy, great game and a great series.
What is up the the FBI busting the 3 biggest online poker sites and why is it that only we the Americanos cannot play that's crap but hey if I'm not happy then ..... well you cry too.
Nick Cage got busted to wife abuse, well I guess we can forget about National Treasure 3, Disney hates family abuse, anti-semitism is fine, just don't hit your family.
TNA wrestlings PPV last night was very bad, but people get amped because a guy does a moonsault off a cage , forget the fact that it was ugly and he missed it and botched most of the moves in the match, but because the people got some blood they were happy, you see it's the fan killing wrestling and our blood-lust, blood can be a great way to help tell a story within a match but just as a gimmick.... come on.
If you like junk you have to watch a show called American Pickers it's awesome, these guys go to people houses and look through their junk and buy it, it's neat.
Got a few great T-shirt and tech ideas but I don't really know how to get started.
Man I can't wait for Dead Island.
All right eye listeners I'm about out, hey quick shout to new readers if you look on the right side you will see a follow button, click it and that way ... well it will make me feel good if you follow, help my pride folks.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Rose for MVP and other thoughts.
First, great comment on the Bulls guys, right on the mark, these kids are great in so many ways, but you know what I like most about them, aside from D-Rose and his soon to be 1st of 4 MVP years ( he's only going to improve for like the next 5 years, scarey thought. ) They are the most financially efficient team in the league meaning they have the lowest price per win in the NBA. Here is a great link to a very telling article about money, wins, talent and desire in the modern NBA. Bulls, Heat among most financially efficient NBA teams - Ian Thomsen -
Boozer should get back on track and the defense will not let up that many points again this round as They Bulls will stomp on the throats of the Pacers and end this in 4. Should be a fun post season.
Also here is a quick shout to the next big young stud of Chicago sports, Starlin Castro, just wow, this kid is gonna be real good.
Don't know who if anyone out there are still watching wrestling but I feel a new ERA coming that should help wrestling wiggle its way back into the minds of the general public. There is a ton of great new talent right now and the WWE at least is seemingly starting to figure out how to make us give a crap. If you haven't checked out Tough Enough, give it a whirl, if you like shows like the Ultimate Fighter then you will be in for a treat, it's hosted by Stone Cold Steve Austin and Features one of if not the greatest female in and out of the ring performers of all time, A great " Sixth Man " of wrestling Booker T and maybe the most brutal trainer in sports entertainment Bill Demott aka " Hugh Morris " ( I speak from experience here guys from my 2 week venture into wrestling school many, many, many fortnights ago.....ouch! If they can find a way to bring back some respect to their Tag Team division and if this Sin Cara ( Mystico ) kid works out the way they are intending then yes we they have a chance to get wrestling back to mainstay in the mind of the sports entertainments fan mindset.
... Of the day eye listeners.
It's back guys the much missed .... Of the day, lets kick it.
Music, check out this band mostly forgotten 80's band Keel, they are in the same mold as like a Dokken or Tesla and they have the best cover of 80's hit Because the Night I have ever heard. Check out Video here
TV, Supernatural is back for it's last few episodes and it looks to end with a boom and not a fizzle of black screen. Also The office Goodbye Steve Carrel, Hello Will Ferrel, could be a new life for a show that has had a pretty nice run so fay, or could mean the swift and violent death to the sitcom and maybe even the genre as we know it.
Movie, well there is a few here guys, first off, I hate to give serious credit to Will Smith or any modern day action movie that is jammed into a overstuffed and over saturated genre. But I finally stopped avoiding Hancock and I have to say, Damn that was a fun ride and the same goes for The Expendables but for many different reasons, while Hancock went for a new take of the Super Hero and connection between their sub super mind sets and very human fault, The Expendable decided to just jam as many bullets, action stars and cliches into and hour and a half plus as possible and you know what.... it works, just a lot of fun. Now while I may be behind the time curve of these flicks I feel they deserve to be re-checked out, good times abound.
Also for my core group out there check out Session 9, very well done horror flick, nothing ground breaking but solid across the board. Also Scream 4, nice way to pass the torch and jump back into a sub genre you created in a transition time in the history of Horror. If your a fan of the series I think you'll be happy if not then well tough ghost masks my friends. Out you guys.
Boozer should get back on track and the defense will not let up that many points again this round as They Bulls will stomp on the throats of the Pacers and end this in 4. Should be a fun post season.
Also here is a quick shout to the next big young stud of Chicago sports, Starlin Castro, just wow, this kid is gonna be real good.
Don't know who if anyone out there are still watching wrestling but I feel a new ERA coming that should help wrestling wiggle its way back into the minds of the general public. There is a ton of great new talent right now and the WWE at least is seemingly starting to figure out how to make us give a crap. If you haven't checked out Tough Enough, give it a whirl, if you like shows like the Ultimate Fighter then you will be in for a treat, it's hosted by Stone Cold Steve Austin and Features one of if not the greatest female in and out of the ring performers of all time, A great " Sixth Man " of wrestling Booker T and maybe the most brutal trainer in sports entertainment Bill Demott aka " Hugh Morris " ( I speak from experience here guys from my 2 week venture into wrestling school many, many, many fortnights ago.....ouch! If they can find a way to bring back some respect to their Tag Team division and if this Sin Cara ( Mystico ) kid works out the way they are intending then yes we they have a chance to get wrestling back to mainstay in the mind of the sports entertainments fan mindset.
... Of the day eye listeners.
It's back guys the much missed .... Of the day, lets kick it.
Music, check out this band mostly forgotten 80's band Keel, they are in the same mold as like a Dokken or Tesla and they have the best cover of 80's hit Because the Night I have ever heard. Check out Video here
TV, Supernatural is back for it's last few episodes and it looks to end with a boom and not a fizzle of black screen. Also The office Goodbye Steve Carrel, Hello Will Ferrel, could be a new life for a show that has had a pretty nice run so fay, or could mean the swift and violent death to the sitcom and maybe even the genre as we know it.
Movie, well there is a few here guys, first off, I hate to give serious credit to Will Smith or any modern day action movie that is jammed into a overstuffed and over saturated genre. But I finally stopped avoiding Hancock and I have to say, Damn that was a fun ride and the same goes for The Expendables but for many different reasons, while Hancock went for a new take of the Super Hero and connection between their sub super mind sets and very human fault, The Expendable decided to just jam as many bullets, action stars and cliches into and hour and a half plus as possible and you know what.... it works, just a lot of fun. Now while I may be behind the time curve of these flicks I feel they deserve to be re-checked out, good times abound.
Also for my core group out there check out Session 9, very well done horror flick, nothing ground breaking but solid across the board. Also Scream 4, nice way to pass the torch and jump back into a sub genre you created in a transition time in the history of Horror. If your a fan of the series I think you'll be happy if not then well tough ghost masks my friends. Out you guys.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Hey guys, man I am wiped out after this weekend, and I am thinking about my next countdown, I think I am gonna go with song, or maybe top ten mystery/unexplained list, like conspiracy theories, occult, myth/legend that type of thing, I wanna have fun with it.
Well my Bulls are now 1-0 on the Indiana Pacers in the NBA playoffs 1st round match and my Blackhawks are down 0-2 in the NHL's so can't win all the time but I don't care for hockey too much so Go Bulls.
But before anything else I am tired, and gonna try and sleep so....until tomorrow my friends....oh yeah please welcome new follower and my Brother Brandon to the fold, glad you could find me bro, time to start being in one anothers lives man.
Well my Bulls are now 1-0 on the Indiana Pacers in the NBA playoffs 1st round match and my Blackhawks are down 0-2 in the NHL's so can't win all the time but I don't care for hockey too much so Go Bulls.
But before anything else I am tired, and gonna try and sleep so....until tomorrow my friends....oh yeah please welcome new follower and my Brother Brandon to the fold, glad you could find me bro, time to start being in one anothers lives man.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Quiting is for quitters!
Liz as always thank you for your words, they truly mean the world to me, in a dark room those words are sometimes the only rays of light from a distant window. Did that sound too dark, that sounded too dark.
I am in constant pain, I am in financial hell, I am thousands of miles from my home country and all my fiends are either there or have left here. But I have my Wife my awesome Kid, my movies and this blog and you know what aside from the crap storm I have faced these past few years, I think I am happy, that makes me laugh to even say but it's true. Fighting through the hard is what makes the good so great, the only thing I have going for me is my truth and my passions, I don't lie about things, there is no need, when the world seemingly turns from you, your truth, your honesty, your ability to split the true from the facade, the rights from the wrongs are the only things that matter. Despite my harsh words from before I have nothing against those who follow religious convictions in fact I applaud you, I just choose to keep my mind open and take EVERYTHING in, when you put your beliefs into one order and choose to ignore the rest you may miss the chance to grow in ways not possible any other. I don't have the answers the life but I love searching for them. To those of you I have met along the way that have helped me keep my strength, lets keep on pushing through together, fore I have many more lists to write and unjusts to vent my wrathful tongue upon, so lets party.
Liz, we may only know each other from blogging but even if that's all we ever know, it would be enough, the things you write on your blog and on mine tell me clearly I have made a friend just from how you express your loves in life and the way you seemingly understand how I love mine as well. So thank you for being accepting of who I am, which is not always an easy thing for anyone. You know, Some of the people that read this I have known for most of and even all of my life but they don't seem to get it the way you seem to, so just keep being you and watch out for those porcupine like things in life. Who knows maybe one day both of our families may have some tea as we gaze upon the outback all together, stranger things have happened. Down under is a place I mean to go before I check out so who knows, I think you would love Germany it's just like Australia except it's totally different, Ton of history here, very beautiful too.
OK is everyone feeling the love, well good me too so for the rest of the day lets kick back, drink some tea, watch some Indiana Jones and find our Arks while staying out of any Doom Temples, while we begin our Last Crusades, and only take a whip to the face if you have a Crystal Skull. Remember folks this your blog as much as mine so if you have an idea of where to turn this Titanic next let me know, don't worry I'll watch for icebergs.
I am in constant pain, I am in financial hell, I am thousands of miles from my home country and all my fiends are either there or have left here. But I have my Wife my awesome Kid, my movies and this blog and you know what aside from the crap storm I have faced these past few years, I think I am happy, that makes me laugh to even say but it's true. Fighting through the hard is what makes the good so great, the only thing I have going for me is my truth and my passions, I don't lie about things, there is no need, when the world seemingly turns from you, your truth, your honesty, your ability to split the true from the facade, the rights from the wrongs are the only things that matter. Despite my harsh words from before I have nothing against those who follow religious convictions in fact I applaud you, I just choose to keep my mind open and take EVERYTHING in, when you put your beliefs into one order and choose to ignore the rest you may miss the chance to grow in ways not possible any other. I don't have the answers the life but I love searching for them. To those of you I have met along the way that have helped me keep my strength, lets keep on pushing through together, fore I have many more lists to write and unjusts to vent my wrathful tongue upon, so lets party.
Liz, we may only know each other from blogging but even if that's all we ever know, it would be enough, the things you write on your blog and on mine tell me clearly I have made a friend just from how you express your loves in life and the way you seemingly understand how I love mine as well. So thank you for being accepting of who I am, which is not always an easy thing for anyone. You know, Some of the people that read this I have known for most of and even all of my life but they don't seem to get it the way you seem to, so just keep being you and watch out for those porcupine like things in life. Who knows maybe one day both of our families may have some tea as we gaze upon the outback all together, stranger things have happened. Down under is a place I mean to go before I check out so who knows, I think you would love Germany it's just like Australia except it's totally different, Ton of history here, very beautiful too.
OK is everyone feeling the love, well good me too so for the rest of the day lets kick back, drink some tea, watch some Indiana Jones and find our Arks while staying out of any Doom Temples, while we begin our Last Crusades, and only take a whip to the face if you have a Crystal Skull. Remember folks this your blog as much as mine so if you have an idea of where to turn this Titanic next let me know, don't worry I'll watch for icebergs.
It's Therapy time folks.
Well folks, it's good to be back, but before I can get my head back to the things we all know and love, I have a few things I have to get off my chest. So buckle up guys it's gonna be a long ride. First I must admit that I am an a-hole, at least I must be, all the people " closest to me " right now seem to treat me as such, like despite all the things I have givin up all the things I try to do to help, I am just a big turd. Let me give you a small but very telling example of what I mean and even though it's my story I will not bend it to make me look better, how I will tell you is 100 percent how it happened, I will put that on my daughters life. So I'm on the phone with my Mom, because despite the fact that she just spent 3 months either ignoring, yelling or resenting m while I had to stay with her, she wants to call me all the time and act like we are best friends now, which I can deal with, anyone who knows my mom knows most of the time you just have to placate her because she really can't deal with reality, she has a very twisted view of how life is and no matter what happens she's right and every one else be dammed. And no I am not burning her right there, it's just the facts plain and simple, but back on topic. She called all day while after almost 3 days I finally got some sleep, so I didn't answer then but I woke up saw she called and returned it, which has nothing to do with the story, just setting the scene. Anyways, we are talking, tomorrow is Alisha's 6th birthday and we have little money because we still have all our woes we had before we left the last place as you who read on the norm know. Again not the point, just sayin. We are able to do something very cool and very cheap for her B-day, a cool boat up and down the Rhine River on a Castle tour it's like 20 bucks for all of us, perfect, but that's on Saturday, tomorrow was just gonna be chill and stuff but now they wanna come and stay here for the night which is cool. So the only thing mom said she was gonna do was bring a cake so we could double up so we could make sure the cake was takin care of. I said this to her on Sunday and also said we were getting a cake but mom insisted she was getting one and she would order it, so no prob, but I knew she wouldn't because that's just her but no big deal. So as foreseen she didn't again no big deal we got it covered. Everything I have said to this point is not the point of this story but I needed to set up the flow so you knew why the next thing happened. So I say it's all good mom don't worry about it but she then spouts how it's not her fault and how we should have taken care of it, which we did, but she doesn't get that. Again I said it's good mom, no big deal but she keeps going to I raise my voice a bit to get her attention and even though I am a loud person I try and control it because I can yell without even thinking about it. But here I controlled it and raised just a bit so she could here me, mom it's all good let it go, but she keeps going, because when mom is wrong she has to blame everyone else and yell until she is convinced it is not her fault any more, it really doesn't matter if we think that but as long as in her head, she's good, then she will stop and really act like nothing happened. So after that was done we returned to talking for 3 seconds, she asks me what cake we got and I told her Mel, kinda slipped up as well but we are getting one tomorrow and she again starts going on about it and I say again it's all good.
Now if you were able to follow that crap up there good for you, but this is how it is day in and day out with her, pretty much about anything, it just gets old, the best part is when she trys to blame me and call me the asshole which yes my mother does call me her son with great frequency, but to be fair she calls everyone names but we all kinda rib each other. But I have a problem with it I mean come on she's my mom, which I have asked her many times if we could just stop all that stuff, it's dumb and I don't like my kid hearing her grandma whom she adores talking like that, to which I usually get a yeah yeah followed by a ok shut up is that all you do is bitch, once again from my mother to me. But that's the little stuff we have come to accept because with her if we all don't accept it then we are wrong. OK OK OK I'm done with that now, sorry for that guys but. I had to get it out, I feel like I am talking in space and no one can hear me or that I'm just invisible and that everyone just walks past me, which is fine but I mean I am a 360 pound fat guy with wild hair and a beard to match that is in constant pain and am confined to a black and red flamed cane , kinda hard to just ignore that I would think. But remember folks I'm the A-hole.
So this next thing is just a quick thought to a response to a question I asked someone recently. I was just wondering what I did that the world has been raining poop all over me for 4 years now, to this I was answered maybe it's what you haven't done, give your life to God. Now this came from my best friend who knows me, I don't feel that putting your problems into the hands of an imaginary man in the sky who can affect everything but does nothing while getting credit for all is the way to go for me. Just how I feel, but it bothered me that at my lowest point is when I would be expected to do so, If I did how would that be sincere to the ears of a deity if one exists. My whole life I have felt that it's choice and experience that drive our lives not an absent all powerful father figure from a another plane of existence. But now at my weakest now I'm ready to follow, just like that forget the last 27 years god, now I see you, now fix me. But that's what zealots want they want you to give your life over to god at your weakest and why would a strong powerful God and religion want all the weak and downtrodden to follow and give our lives over to them, hmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder would it be that because the weak are easily lead and controlled. Which is why the word faith was invented because if you take everything on faith by definition alone you don't need a real understanding, because you just have faith and you just ....KNOW right. If we had a real understanding of religion of all the stories that religion gives us all the things we can't see and touch or understand, then we could grow stronger and the strong are not controlled as easy and there would collapse the whole damn system, Through understanding and experience do we grow. But this is just how I feel and why I was so mad and insulted at the idea of just giving my life to god. OK, I needed to get that out, I sorry guys, I 'm sure I look like an ass now but hey as I said at the jump, I guess that's what I am, peace eye listeners. Sorry again for the raw grammer and spelling in the blog, I'm just typing and letting it go.
Now if you were able to follow that crap up there good for you, but this is how it is day in and day out with her, pretty much about anything, it just gets old, the best part is when she trys to blame me and call me the asshole which yes my mother does call me her son with great frequency, but to be fair she calls everyone names but we all kinda rib each other. But I have a problem with it I mean come on she's my mom, which I have asked her many times if we could just stop all that stuff, it's dumb and I don't like my kid hearing her grandma whom she adores talking like that, to which I usually get a yeah yeah followed by a ok shut up is that all you do is bitch, once again from my mother to me. But that's the little stuff we have come to accept because with her if we all don't accept it then we are wrong. OK OK OK I'm done with that now, sorry for that guys but. I had to get it out, I feel like I am talking in space and no one can hear me or that I'm just invisible and that everyone just walks past me, which is fine but I mean I am a 360 pound fat guy with wild hair and a beard to match that is in constant pain and am confined to a black and red flamed cane , kinda hard to just ignore that I would think. But remember folks I'm the A-hole.
So this next thing is just a quick thought to a response to a question I asked someone recently. I was just wondering what I did that the world has been raining poop all over me for 4 years now, to this I was answered maybe it's what you haven't done, give your life to God. Now this came from my best friend who knows me, I don't feel that putting your problems into the hands of an imaginary man in the sky who can affect everything but does nothing while getting credit for all is the way to go for me. Just how I feel, but it bothered me that at my lowest point is when I would be expected to do so, If I did how would that be sincere to the ears of a deity if one exists. My whole life I have felt that it's choice and experience that drive our lives not an absent all powerful father figure from a another plane of existence. But now at my weakest now I'm ready to follow, just like that forget the last 27 years god, now I see you, now fix me. But that's what zealots want they want you to give your life over to god at your weakest and why would a strong powerful God and religion want all the weak and downtrodden to follow and give our lives over to them, hmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder would it be that because the weak are easily lead and controlled. Which is why the word faith was invented because if you take everything on faith by definition alone you don't need a real understanding, because you just have faith and you just ....KNOW right. If we had a real understanding of religion of all the stories that religion gives us all the things we can't see and touch or understand, then we could grow stronger and the strong are not controlled as easy and there would collapse the whole damn system, Through understanding and experience do we grow. But this is just how I feel and why I was so mad and insulted at the idea of just giving my life to god. OK, I needed to get that out, I sorry guys, I 'm sure I look like an ass now but hey as I said at the jump, I guess that's what I am, peace eye listeners. Sorry again for the raw grammer and spelling in the blog, I'm just typing and letting it go.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Rumors of my blogs death have been greatly overstated!
I'm back my friends, all moved in to our new place, it's very nice, quaint, ya know, very understated, but I feel at home for the first time since I left the states many years ago. Well on the 11th my wife and I hit 8 years of wedded bliss go us. Alisha turns 6 on the 15th and I got my internet back today, minutes ago actually, what a week. I missed you all in my lengthy absence, but I'm back now eye listeners so strap in cause I got a lot to say in the upcoming blogs, but first unfinished works needs to be completed. So Here we go.
Number 2 all time greatest action star goes to Mr. Rocky, Mr. Rambo. Mr. Mr. Stop or my mom will shoot.... SLY Stallone. He writes he directs he acts, and he's been in iconic films, see above, but just too many flops, Rocky 5, Driven, ect. So I couldn't give him Numero Uno.
But that's only because our number one guy has starred in 8 of the most iconic and important films in not just SCI-Fi, not just Action, but in Film all together. He may not seem like Mr. Action right off the bat but lets look here. He was Han Solo, He was Indiana Jones, he WAS BLADE RUNNER, hell he was maybe the greatest on screen fictional Presidents of all time...Mr Harrison Ford. Hey it's my list he's a god end of story. I will be back soon sorry for the word jumble I'm flustered.
Number 2 all time greatest action star goes to Mr. Rocky, Mr. Rambo. Mr. Mr. Stop or my mom will shoot.... SLY Stallone. He writes he directs he acts, and he's been in iconic films, see above, but just too many flops, Rocky 5, Driven, ect. So I couldn't give him Numero Uno.
But that's only because our number one guy has starred in 8 of the most iconic and important films in not just SCI-Fi, not just Action, but in Film all together. He may not seem like Mr. Action right off the bat but lets look here. He was Han Solo, He was Indiana Jones, he WAS BLADE RUNNER, hell he was maybe the greatest on screen fictional Presidents of all time...Mr Harrison Ford. Hey it's my list he's a god end of story. I will be back soon sorry for the word jumble I'm flustered.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Sorry you guys!
Hey this move is getting so jacked up I'm about to lose my mind, I've been back-stabbed by one of my closest friends and I am in so much pain can barely breath. I am just trying to get through this. If you don't hear from me for a couple days it's just because 'm waiting for internet and such, but I will be back and I will finish this list. hanks for understanding you guys. Truth be told I miss you all, and it's only been a couple days I haven't blogged but like I said 'll be back. Peace eye listeners.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Pain interuppted countdown.
Well sorry guys, I was in very intense pain the last 36 hours or so, I couldn't focus my thoughts well and I just won't " phone it in ". I'm still in pain but I wanted to hit number three for all the eye listeners out there. I just wanna sleep until WrestleMainia is on tonight fore I am very excited about.
OK guys sorry I don't have more intro and stuff to talk about today I'm really hurtin, so lets kick this thing off.
Well our number 3 is troubled by the same defect Bruce Willis has, his characters are swap-able, but since he has done so much more than Willis and the fact he is one of the first true modern day action stars. He could easily be number 2 or 1 but this is the way I see it, and it just doesn't feel right to put him ahead of either of our next 2 guys. He's played a robot trying to kill then save a future hero, he's been a myriad of soldiers that has battled everything from alien hunters to turncoat soldiers as well as spies, along with playing a cop that has to deal with kids to over the top bad guys, hell he has even been a Batman cornball bad guy. Not bad for a guy that started out as a modern day Greek mythology hero and, a throw back fantasy hero, he has done it all and also had a ten year run as the Govenator of California and won the highest honor in bodybuilding Mr. Olympia like 7 times and now he takes his rightful place on the countdown, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not much more to say than that.
Dave's Top Ten Action stars.
10. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
5. Martial Arts - Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, JCVD and Chuck Norris
4. Bruce Willis
3. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hopefully I feel better soon so I can do these last 2 the justice they deserve.
OK guys sorry I don't have more intro and stuff to talk about today I'm really hurtin, so lets kick this thing off.
Well our number 3 is troubled by the same defect Bruce Willis has, his characters are swap-able, but since he has done so much more than Willis and the fact he is one of the first true modern day action stars. He could easily be number 2 or 1 but this is the way I see it, and it just doesn't feel right to put him ahead of either of our next 2 guys. He's played a robot trying to kill then save a future hero, he's been a myriad of soldiers that has battled everything from alien hunters to turncoat soldiers as well as spies, along with playing a cop that has to deal with kids to over the top bad guys, hell he has even been a Batman cornball bad guy. Not bad for a guy that started out as a modern day Greek mythology hero and, a throw back fantasy hero, he has done it all and also had a ten year run as the Govenator of California and won the highest honor in bodybuilding Mr. Olympia like 7 times and now he takes his rightful place on the countdown, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not much more to say than that.
Dave's Top Ten Action stars.
10. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
5. Martial Arts - Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, JCVD and Chuck Norris
4. Bruce Willis
3. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Hopefully I feel better soon so I can do these last 2 the justice they deserve.
Friday, April 1, 2011
I'm tired.
Well I just wanna skip to number one, this list has become taxing on me, but still talent is talent, and it must be recognized. This man is rather new to film in general, he has made a few fantastic action movies, and he is arguably the best action star on TV. everyone around the world knows his name, his face and who he is. So this choice was rather easy. So give it up to our number 1 action film star of all time....John Cena. that's right folks I knew it's what you all wanted, it's what I wanted, so I will give it you. John Cena walks in very big shoes of actions greats like Hulk Hogan, Dolf Lungren and Bridgette Neilson, He's a man among boys in the action game and now he has his day.... Also I am now retired from blogging I am off to mars to deliver the 5 hippos I am carrying in my guts, and everyone thought I just got fat....pfff. Oh and also APRIL FOOLS, I know I didn't fool anyone I mean even on this most holy of days John Cena is not believable as a legit action star let alone number one, as far as the hippos go well it was a dark night on safari, I was a bit drunk and I misstook this lovely hippo for Rosie O'Donnel, so I said what the hell, OK, OK no hippos either, number 3 is coming a bit later eye listeners so stay tuned.
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