Hey world,
My name is Dave, and about a year ago I was medically retired from the Army after 9 years and 2 downrange tours, I came to Germany at the beginning of my career and just haven't left. I met a good wifey here and have an awesome kid who is my world, as of late things have gotten very hard for me as I am sure they have for everyone, you see I have severe nerve damage on my left side and a spinal cord stimulator implanted in my back, for that I am bound to a cane ( sometimes 2 at a time ) and I am not really able to do much anymore and to be honest I just need an outlet to express my opinions, my passions in life and also maybe try and help other people out there who may have also been railroaded by the system. Don't get me wrong I loved my time in the Army and I wouldn't change a minute of it but the VA ( Veterans administration ) needs a lot of work, for example it took more than 13 months to process my claim and lets just say the outcome was not what I was expecting, but more on that later. For now lets make introductions, Like I said my name is Dave and I love Da Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks and my beloved Cubbies and wish the White Sox would be cast from baseball, I am a big lifelong wrestling fan as well as a huge ( not just in size ) gamer. I like to think I am a very open minded person who speaks my mind even if it may not be what you want to hear. I have a ton of thoughts on the world and I love to share them and love even more to debate them, through communication can we continue to grow right. I have gained a lot of weight in the last couple of years, not that I was ever a small dude but it surely hasn't help my back caring the extra weight, I do a decent job of watching what I eat but when you can't move sometimes and couple that with some meds that effect weight gain and Boom I'm a HippoDave. By the way I am a super nerd/dork/geek hybrid ( loves me some comic books and of course my Star Wars amongst other things ) I am kind of a not as smart version of the big bang theory guys but with a wife.... go me. So O.K. as for posting on the here and now aspect of my blog, it's 0347 on a very cold morning in a small quiet German town and I sit here typing mainly because I can't sleep, O.K. how was that I will expand on that part of this I swear but not bad for my first time and to be honest, ....... didn't hate it, I feel connected, that is until I get my first message calling me a Douche Hat but until then ......... not hating it, so alright world here I am, thanks for listening with your eyes.
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