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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wonders never cease.

Well I had my 18 retirement evaluation today, and holy crap, it looks like I now need glasses, they covered my right eye and hello blur-vile where our motto is holy crap I can't see. They I went over to get my ears re-checked and now my right ear is even worse and I was already 80% def in it to start so they want me to come back and get a hearing aid. So lets do the new list. I turn 28 on May 21st, I have been Medically retired from the U.S. Army for well over a year, I make use of a cane, a walker, and a wheel chair when needed. I have a Stimulator implanted into my spine, and now I am going to need to get glasses and a hearing aid, so if there is a god he must sure love you guys to put me here strictly for your entertainment, and is it just happenstance that the NEW DOOMS DAY SCARE is set for my birthday of the this year, awesome. Question on the end of the world and if it is set, well if the world ends on the 21st does that mean we will END in sections because it's the 21st at different times in different parts of the world or is it May 21st Midnight Eastern Standard Time, just wondering, the heads up will help.

OK my Bulls and Blackhawks both go for their playoff opening round victories tonight so here's to round 2 gents.

In other big news Charlie Sheen got dumped, Playstation Network has been Sunk, and Katie Couric leaves CBS, signs of the end indeed, peace eye listeners.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave. Well, I sure don't know what to say about the glasses, hearing aid, spine stimulator etc,but I do like your sense of humour about the world ending in sections with the time/date difference. We here in the land down under will probably be in the first lot to go, cheery thought isn't ? May 21st you say, I must remember to send you early birthday wishes just in case.Take care. Liz...
