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Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm tired.

Well I just wanna skip to number one, this list has become taxing on me, but still talent is talent, and it must be recognized. This man is rather new to film in general, he has made a few fantastic action movies, and he is arguably the best action star on TV. everyone around the world knows his name, his face and who he is. So this choice was rather easy. So give it up to our number 1 action film star of all time....John Cena. that's right folks I knew it's what you all wanted, it's what I wanted, so I will give it you. John Cena walks in very big shoes of actions greats like Hulk Hogan, Dolf Lungren and Bridgette Neilson, He's a man among boys in the action game and now he has his day.... Also I am now retired from blogging I am off to mars to deliver the 5 hippos I am carrying in my guts, and everyone thought I just got fat....pfff. Oh and also APRIL FOOLS, I know I didn't fool anyone I mean even on this most holy of days John Cena is not believable as a legit action star let alone number one, as far as the hippos go well it was a dark night on safari, I was a bit drunk and I misstook this lovely hippo for Rosie O'Donnel, so I said what the hell, OK, OK no hippos either, number 3 is coming a bit later eye listeners so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave. For a moment there you had me going. I thought you had fallen off your perch!!!.
    I just looked up John Cena on Google which in turn led me to Andre The Giant and I learned a few things about him (Andre)that I didn't know. Very interesting. Take care. Liz...
