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Friday, June 10, 2011

Greatest Movie of all Time!!!!!

  I am about to start down a new path, one that promises to be as epic as it will be difficult, and that is the Top 10 greatest movie of all time!!!!!! You can the importance of the topic from the title where I used 5 Exclamation points and then 6 at the end of my last sentence ..... so ....yeah....serious stuff, this list will not be for the faint of heart, and you may want to put on a helmet because you are about to have your mind blown.

    First off let me explain what and how I will do this list. B-list, C-list, Blockbuster, Oscar Favorite, all these words mean nothing in this list so don't be shocked when " timeless classics " like Casablanca don't make it in, which ( spoiler alert ) it will not. I'm not saying it's a bad film in fact it is one of my favorites but it breaks my first rule for selection on this list and that is relatability ( and yes I know relatability is not a proper word ). The movie while great just doesn't cross over to this day and age very well, also I am tired of all the lists out there that basically have the same 10 movies on it. So the first category that must be met  is something I like to call the Bon Jovi factor. You see Bon Jovi has been around for a long time and they are one of the few bands that continue to put out new music today that is as popular as there 80's hits, their music old or new still impacts us and touches us.... in a good way. Think of it like this how many people do know that say oh god not Bon Jovi I hate them....none... that's how many, Jovi forever yeah. So that's the start ( category 1 ) The Bon Jovi factor.

    Next thing I will be looking for is what I like to refer to the Michael Jackson factor, no it doesn't have anything to do with music or slight awkward weirdness. MJ left his mark on music no doubt but one thing also excelled in, that is often over looked is his videos and the way they were shot. I mean they were basically a mini movie and it really helps people when the can relate an image to the a song. MJ simply was the best at that. Cinematography is very important, it doesn't matter how good a script is or how good the actors may be. If the filming sucks then everything else simply doesn't matter. Great filing is a lost art and I mainly blame that on the Blair Witch Project, the reason I blame them is not even their fault, it's just...... The movie world is a copy cat industry and now it seems like ever other movie is shot with the shaky cam style to add that first person touch. While it worked in the past I now feel it's just a novelty, look if I wanted a first person view I would just keep looking out my own eyes, that's the only first person view I care about, I payed to see movie not shaky cam, make me wanna barf movie. Before you ask, yes there is a difference between Texas Chain Saw shaky cam and the First Person shaky cam, TCM was still filmed from an outside perspective ( people behind the camera ). While the other attempts to bring us into the view of the person, robing us the ability to see the film in any other way than from the first person ( in the story ) by only shooting the objects in his or her view. So number 2 on my category list is the MJ factor.

    Third is pretty cut and dry, acting. Here is how I can most easily explain what I'm looking for, a bad movie can still have a good actor doing a good job in his role, while a great movie cannot have a bad acting job and still be great, now of course this is subjective buy hey...what isn't. I will refer to this as the Face/Off factor, while not a bad movie, it would have been if John Travolta wasn't awesome in it while off setting Nick Cage and his one dimensional acting style. So category 3, The Face/Off factor.

    Number four but maybe most important is the M. Night Shyamalan/Spielberg, I don't have to explain the Spielberg part, because he really is the one of the if not the best main steam ( right up there with Ron Howard ) director of our generation and the only question around him is, is he a great director because he works with great actors, or all those people great actor because they are working with Spielberg, food for thought indeed, Now M. Night Shyamalan factor was almost called the Michael Bay factor, but Bay has made has made a few good if not great movies. While M. Night Shyamalan, on the other hand has been swinging and missing since The highly over rated Six Sense, and that was watchable due to Bruce Willis and  Haley Joel Osment. Here is why it's the Shyamalan factor. There were 2 movies that if directed by anyone else they would have been great and those are The Village and The Lady in the Water, but NOooooooo  Shyamalan had to ruin them with really bad, not needed and obvious twists. He is so bad that there is a website raising money to send him back to film I'm not making this up... look see. So this will be called the Spielberg/Shyamalan factor.

   So that's what I'm looking for, four main areas, Spielberg/Shyamalan factor, Bon Jovi factor, Face/Off factor, and the MJ factor, give me a couple days to really jump in and give the best list I can. I'll see you then eye listeners.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave. Bring it on. I look forward to this. Take care. Liz...
