People more and more today speak out against Governments and talk about the individual, How we should all raise our voices and speak for the things we think are correct. Here is the problem, while it is true the individual is important and it is great to be yourselves, most of the people that call for you to speak your mind only truly want to hear what you have to say if it is in accord with their ideals, if not then you are labeled as ignorant or uneducated or that you simply are blind. Truth is a dead concept, in today's day and age, “stats” and “ truth “ can be dug up to support any idea. The true issues the world has is that everyone wants to go their own way, nobody wants to follow anything anymore because we are lead to think everything is corrupt and wrong and out to get you. It's so easy to get caught up in the fad that is everything is wrong with the world that we so easily forget about everything that is right and everything that has gotten us to this stage in the human cycle. How individualized is the world supposed to become? At this rate we will all become our own republics of One before the turn of the next decade. I am all for speaking your mind and standing up for what is right to you, but not at the costs of other peoples sense of community and true free thought. Have we forgotten that all these freedoms the world as a whole has is largely due to the connection groups of people made to the ideas of the one. While everyone shouting their views and opinions and what they think is right at the top of their lungs may seem to some out there like a good and free thing, we seem to overlook the fact that all that will be heard is noise. The truly great ideas of one person need to start to be followed by a group that hold those ideas to be correct and true and good for the whole. But there in lies the main problem, the whole has gotten to big, while the ideals of a few great thinkers were easily followed 250 years ago to make a new country gain independence it only worked because it was small enough to not crumble on top of its self. But fast forward a hundred years when the the group gets bigger and more one persons ideas come to be accepted by larger groups we have division, in the frighteningly far to globally reoccurring theme in the form of Civil War, it happens to almost every country that grows to big, the less fortunate want more and the people with the majority want the lesser to stop creating problems and stirring up problems for THEM and so on and so forth, this never ending cycle of humanism continues. We in the States found a temporary plughole to the problem by given more power of “individualism” to the States there by creating the sense of peace and that illusion of individuality and giving more “rights” and “freedoms” to the people. The problem with that is that people who have a lot of a seemingly good thing only want one other thing and that's more of that good idea, that good thing, so a bit of individualism turns into revolt again before too long, it's the one pattern that continues to pop up through history besides one other and that's man willingness to kill for those things most sought after and that's the truly scary part. Weather it be by mandate of God or the continually seeking of power or the scary combination of the two, we as a species seem far to willing to cause harm to those who simply don't let us have our individualism and of course once it is “won” the process simply starts over again, there is no cure for this, many of us see it and identify that it is wrong but until THAT idea of the one, that IT is wrong and is brought to light and finally followed by a group of people that see it is wrong and want to change it then we will always be yelling for our voice to heard over a crowd of people simply looking for the same thing. And why this will never happen is that for it to, we all would have to stop going after power and just accept what we already know and that is one persons voice and ideas can never work on its own it and neither will a group looking for “individualism” and power. It is only by accepting our need for each other to be at peace and stop looking for MORE that we can ever enjoy the peace and prosperity those short moments can bring. Because in the end that is all it can ever be, is short because our need for “individualism” and “freedom and “fairness” is SO great we lose sight of two things. 1) What it took and who it took to get there in the first place and 2) We don't even know the true meaning of those above words anymore because they are clouded and muddled by the very ideas that gave birth to them to start with. So I only ask that all start dealing with each other in the only way that will work, with quite acceptance.
G'day Dave. I tried to open the link, but it kept coming up as an error and told me that the page couldn't be found. Could just be my computer, but I have recently had it fixed and seems to be running ok. Oh well that's life. Hope you and your family are well. Take care. Liz...