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Saturday, August 25, 2012

EP 32, Poker w/ Tommy C, Movies with Dean The Movie King and my Armstrong outrage

 Welcome back folks, we have a packed show full of greatness, so buckle up and get ready. If you hear a slight twine during the Movie segment it's just effect, yeah an effect to give the movie king some uh....uh.... mystique, yeah that's it.....Enjoy!

EP 32, Poker w/ Tommy C, Movies with Dean The Movie King and my Armstrong outrage

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Armstrong Banned

 Tired of fighting claims he cheated, Armstrong said he is done with it, he will not fight anymore, he will stand on his 100's of passed drug tests as proof he was clean and will not placate this unjust witch-hunt any further. In Cycling terms what does this mean. Guilty and we are taking his titles and banning him for life.......This is sick peeps, and wrong and a lesson that we can start a rumor no matter the lack of evidence and burn someone at the stake. WOW!!!


TGTOI is taking over the podcast world, support us, listen, interact and by all means critique, this is YOUR show after all..... New one coming down the pipe tomorrow featuring BIG DADDY DEAN THE MOVIE KING.... all tremble before us...That is all

Monday, August 13, 2012


Liz sorry it took me a few days to respond but if you didn't Google my trivia answer then I am impressed with you madam, you are correct! Thank you for listening to the show, I hope you enjoyed it, lots more coming, I'm always looking for ideas to improve so please, punch me right in the inspiration, great to hear from you and I apologize for my uproarious language on the show.....P.S. for those of you out there so inclined please "like" our Facebook Fan page ........ smooches all!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

EP 30 My wife Melanie joins us for email time, I tackle movies, celebs and dick punching

EP 30 My wife Melanie joins us for email time, I tackle movies, celebs and dick punching

Join us for our 30th EP. extravaganza, s shorter show (about 30 mins.) where we delve into the following.
Email section with my Wife Melanie
Movie Trivia
Stupid Celebrities
- Olympic basketball players
- Fred Willard a whacker
Retro movie rewind.... while not old, deserves to be revisited, 30 Days of Night, with a Dracula shout out as well.
And Much More!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

EP 29 A tired Tommy C joins me for stupid celebs, video games and ghosts.

Forgive the language on this EP but SCR is right, it's so much easier to let loose with the tongue, being clean took so much out of me.
Tommy C is exhausted but marches on in our war against stupid, hope you join us as we tackle a bunch of stuff all for your enjoyment.

Stupid Celebrities
Retro movie rewind....this week Renaissance Man
Snoop lion
Kobe Bryant’s wife got mad at him for shirtless picture at Team USA party
Star Wars: The Old Republic losing players, going free shortly.....up to level 50.
Horror Movie site Dead central is awesome
Getting booted from an Olympic tournament for throwing badminton....super fail.

EP 29 A tired Tommy C joins me for stupid celebs, video games and ghosts.