Baseball kicks off today guys and I couldn't be more excited, Basketball is winding down, Football may not start winding up and MLB needs to take advantage and have a spectacular year. Once again I will be hoping for my beloved Cubbies to make a splash but I am not holding my breath.
The world remains hectic and more and more strange animal stories are popping up in the news. But looking back through history these animals deaths and encounters are not out of the norm, it's just the closer we get to 2012 and really the further along mankind gets as far as just living and breathing on this planet, the more people will try to place deeper meaning on average events. Now that is not new either, since the dawn of time things and events we cannot explain have been given deeper meaning, and in my opinion is what shaped religion in the first place. Tell me if this sounds too unlikely to you because it seems very likely to me, Early man, primitive but speaking, walking upright and all that jazz, are going about daily tasks when suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes a nearby tree, everyone freaks trying to figure out what just happened, maybe this time they start to think but don't come to any real conclusions. Then another day a bolt of lightning strikes someone and kills them dead in their tracks, now everyone panics because the sky is now killing them, is it beyond reason that one of them really freaks and tells everyone that it's a man in the sky punishing them for the things they are doing, or just as an cause of what just happen to calm everyone down. The more these things happen the more the guy explains, realizing people are listening to him and basically doing what he says. I mean after all he was the one who knew what was happening why wouldn't they listen. So now this guy, understanding he has power, writes the rules in which his new found flock of people should live by, all things that HE thinks is the best way people should live, and from there religion is born and basically takes on a life of it's own. I can see that happening because we as a whole cannot understand everything and that is scary and most people like being told what the cause is if it's deeper than them, bigger than they are, and will take it on the word of the speaker alone. I mean think about all the different religions you know of and the major differences in those theologies, the reason for that could easily be the distance between groups of people and each group had a
different person who understood the world, and different thoughts on how to explain the natural world to best control his people, seems very likely to me. Either way it's something to think about.
Well guys we are rounding third on our way to here in the countdown, and things are getting bigger as far as talent and names. If think about it then you could more than likely guess the top 4, no secrets here, no surprises except maybe the order, I hate to go with the flow of other people's list out there but hey these guys are the real deal in action and are the most responsible for the action movement in the 80's and 90's. They did more action movies grossed more cash and put more butts in the seats than anybody else, and guess what they are not only still making films, they are still making action films, so sit back grab some popcorn and enjoy.
Remember back in the list when I said Mel Gibson created one of the greatest characters of all time in Martin Riggs. Well here's the other Detective John McClain, not much more to say on him, fantastic everyman guy here, at least up till that good awful 4th Die Hard. All guys could connect with this guy he was the guy that sat next to you or the cop that was your partner or he was you, just very reachable as a person. But not many people know that he played a very similar guy in the over the top goof ball film Hudson Hawk and there in lies the reason I can't put Bruce Willis any higher than 4th. He is kinda one dimensional, every guy he plays is really the same guy but he does it better than anyone else and in action that is that matters. To borrow a line from Lemmy of MotorHead " We only know 4 cords, but we know them well. And that's all that matters So welcome to number 4 Mr. Willis. Enjoy eye listeners.
Dave's Top Ten Action stars.
10. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
5. Martial Arts - Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, JCVD and Chuck Norris
4. Bruce Willis
My name is Dave and a year ago I was medically retired from the military and, well life has been hard since then so I thought it could help to share my experiences with the public.
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Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Here's where the fun starts.
Well first of all guys I just want to say. just a few more days till I get in my new place and my family is whole once more. Without Them I feel .. empty.
OK next item of business, Liz your IPhone works fine, thank you for going the extra mile to comment, I hope the Roosters Revenge tale was not too ill-timed and insensitive. I just have a funny way of dealing with grief of any kind, I hope, as I did you got a good chuckle picturing the tale as I wove it into form. And you need not worry blog-o-sphere I will never stop blogging, it's cheaper than a shrink and I feel.... what's the word...empowered by it, like I said this has given a measure of my life back.
If you only were to watch one Monday Night Raw this year lat night was the one to watch. It was the final build to WrestleMania on Sunday, and it didn't let me down. We had a show down between HHH and the Undertaker, Epic, HBK made a surprise appearance during it, Major Epic, And Finally the Rock has come back ..... Home, he was at his best on the mic last night and also he showed he can still Layeth The Smacketh Down on anyones candy ass, he looked great he brought it and did his signature moves beat up the Miz and his lacky before getting laid out from behind by John Cena. Even if they don't have a full match at WM you can see they are building to a momentous match in the very near future, can't wait. I am now a member of Team Bring It.
OK Folks on to number 5 and this is when the fun starts, like I have done with other spots I am giving number 5 to a sub-genre, and one that could very well have it's own top 10 list at some point, and since it is so big and influential I don't need to give you movie resumes of the stars that brought it to success, and if you don't know these names than you need to start watching more movies, these guys have jumped from a niche genre and became brands all their own. However because of the names I have from 4 to 1 I can't put them any higher than 5.
Martial Arts have come a very long way and now are mainstream, mania back in the day had the " B Movie " or " Cult Classic " moniker but ever since Jackie Chan switched over to American set and filmed movies with Rumble in the Bronx, the stars have come out of the wood work. Now of course everyone new their names like Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, and Bolo and such but yet they still were not " Mainstream " now they are so I want to take a moment and throw the name at you of the stars that built a genre. Of course we begin with the aforementioned Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, but there are many more like Jet Li, Yun-Fat Chow, and yes I put Jason Stathan here as well awesome dude, great action guy and he needed to get his props here. We also got Tony Ja, Ziyi Zhang, Chuck Norris, Jean Claude Van Damme, Sho Kosugi, Donnie Yen, Samo Hung, and Lau Kar Fai, the list is endless, but as a rep for our purposes will use 4 guys that are all equally responsible for the acceptance of martial arts flicks.
10. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
5. Martial Arts - Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, JCVD and Chuck Norris
Alright eye listeners not we really get going strong, join me for the stretch run will you.
OK next item of business, Liz your IPhone works fine, thank you for going the extra mile to comment, I hope the Roosters Revenge tale was not too ill-timed and insensitive. I just have a funny way of dealing with grief of any kind, I hope, as I did you got a good chuckle picturing the tale as I wove it into form. And you need not worry blog-o-sphere I will never stop blogging, it's cheaper than a shrink and I feel.... what's the word...empowered by it, like I said this has given a measure of my life back.
If you only were to watch one Monday Night Raw this year lat night was the one to watch. It was the final build to WrestleMania on Sunday, and it didn't let me down. We had a show down between HHH and the Undertaker, Epic, HBK made a surprise appearance during it, Major Epic, And Finally the Rock has come back ..... Home, he was at his best on the mic last night and also he showed he can still Layeth The Smacketh Down on anyones candy ass, he looked great he brought it and did his signature moves beat up the Miz and his lacky before getting laid out from behind by John Cena. Even if they don't have a full match at WM you can see they are building to a momentous match in the very near future, can't wait. I am now a member of Team Bring It.
OK Folks on to number 5 and this is when the fun starts, like I have done with other spots I am giving number 5 to a sub-genre, and one that could very well have it's own top 10 list at some point, and since it is so big and influential I don't need to give you movie resumes of the stars that brought it to success, and if you don't know these names than you need to start watching more movies, these guys have jumped from a niche genre and became brands all their own. However because of the names I have from 4 to 1 I can't put them any higher than 5.
Martial Arts have come a very long way and now are mainstream, mania back in the day had the " B Movie " or " Cult Classic " moniker but ever since Jackie Chan switched over to American set and filmed movies with Rumble in the Bronx, the stars have come out of the wood work. Now of course everyone new their names like Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, and Bolo and such but yet they still were not " Mainstream " now they are so I want to take a moment and throw the name at you of the stars that built a genre. Of course we begin with the aforementioned Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, but there are many more like Jet Li, Yun-Fat Chow, and yes I put Jason Stathan here as well awesome dude, great action guy and he needed to get his props here. We also got Tony Ja, Ziyi Zhang, Chuck Norris, Jean Claude Van Damme, Sho Kosugi, Donnie Yen, Samo Hung, and Lau Kar Fai, the list is endless, but as a rep for our purposes will use 4 guys that are all equally responsible for the acceptance of martial arts flicks.
10. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
5. Martial Arts - Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, JCVD and Chuck Norris
Alright eye listeners not we really get going strong, join me for the stretch run will you.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Post number 100. And number 6, giving credit where credit is due.
Well folks this is my 100th post on the thing that may have saved my life. There was a time about 2 months and 99 blog posts ago when I hated the idea of blogging. I thought people complaining to the world and making the ignored opinions public was dumb, and I was better than that. I can put my life in order without trying to make people feel sorry for me I used to think. I was wrong, dead, flat out wrong. Do some people use blogs for bad things sure, but using media for other than honorable gains is not new, it like many things in this day and age is simply more easily reached. I truly feel that blogging has changed my life and I have had the best time I've had in years doing it. Even if no one ever read my blog or if people think my blog is BS, well that's irrelevant. Because what I have learned about blogging is this, it's not about the other people, it's about you, a keyboard and the thoughts you can't or won't say in any other manor. I truly feel that this may have saved my life, when I started this blog my life was pretty much in the worst intersection it's ever been in. My pain was at it's worst ( that hasn't changed only the way I deal with it has ) my wife and I had to be apart while I and my daughter stayed with my mom and she stayed put to keep working ( which ends this week when we move into our new place and start a new chapter in our live ) I was becoming jaded at the world and was growing darker. I couldn't seem to catch a break which really hasn't changed, really no of that has changed, but the way I deal with all my problems have. I don't have secrets with you guys for better or worst you have become my inner sanctum for my thoughts. I have shared a great my thing with you guys, and hopefully kept you entertained while making you aware of the realities of being a solider that had his entire world taken away. All my self pity, my anger, my frustration with the system have all be reworked, not fixed or solved or anything like that but when do they. Problems exist for everyone but its how we face life's challenges that defines who we are. The result or destination rarely matter in the grand scheme of things, it's the journey , the way we deal with life is how we are defined. I can't tel you how much this has helped me, my words are just not going it do it justice. But I feel like I have become more resolute in who I am and clear about who I want to become. There are a bunch of things that I have gained from this blog, but no more important than a new dare I say friend. Liz I have to say thank you, you post on my blog almost every day and you always manage to type just what I need to read, thank you, you have shown me that the world is not def to the rigors of life, just simply overloaded but the amount of them. It's the 1 to 1 connections that matter and I can't say enough about what you have given me.... and that's purpose. If nothing more than the thought of making sure I post so Liz can read and hopefully be entertained that keeps me going everyday. It has become a routine for me to do this everyday, and for a solider that had the structure of a military life for 9 years ripped away from them in an instant, there is no bigger prize than that. OK I rambled on long enough, I usually go back and make changes to my posts but even if the above is too wordy and not making the best of sense I'm not changing it one letter, I want the chaos of my mind to show through here this time, because I really need to get my thought documented so, that's done.....moving on.
Quick hit if you have not seen the show Fairly Legal, check it out cool show.
Number 6, I feel like the ball is rolling well here and the order of my list is right where I want it, I have all 6 of my list complete in my head it's the order after this one is what's giving me fits, but that's tomorrows problem. One of the first action movies after the silent area ended was Westerns, they are cheap to make since they can be shot in a multitude of ways and in almost any location, they help people see what one of the great eras in American culture was like and the fact that it wasn't all that long ago helps because their stories are still easily found. Guys like westerns period the are the apex of manhood and a symbol of a lost time that shaped are country. I feel that the western sub genre of action movies are often over looked, but some great moments in film have been captured by this medium. The list of westerns and it's stars are too great to list but this might help put in focus for you. For the first time here is a list within a sub genre within a list. I give you the Top Ten westerns and Top Ten stars that helped shape it. This is not my opinion of the greatest westerns just an overview of the genre and what made it great. The following is from just using it for refference here. Great movies one and all, a golden age of cinema that still remains in the forefront of our culture.
Rio Bravo and El Dorado
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
True Grit
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Open Range
The Outlaw, Josie Wales
Wyatt Earp
Here are some names to chew on as well.
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Randolph Scot, Joel McCrea, Audie Murphy, Jimmy Stewart, James Arness, James Druryand Doug McClure, all great stars that helped bring to light an area of a crossroad section of our world. So I give you our Number 6 greatest action star of all time and the top 2 guys that lead to it getting here.
Side note John Wayne's real name is Marion Robert Morrison, and my Grandmother - Marion VanCura, shared that first name with him.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
Top 5 coming up eye listeners.
Quick hit if you have not seen the show Fairly Legal, check it out cool show.
Number 6, I feel like the ball is rolling well here and the order of my list is right where I want it, I have all 6 of my list complete in my head it's the order after this one is what's giving me fits, but that's tomorrows problem. One of the first action movies after the silent area ended was Westerns, they are cheap to make since they can be shot in a multitude of ways and in almost any location, they help people see what one of the great eras in American culture was like and the fact that it wasn't all that long ago helps because their stories are still easily found. Guys like westerns period the are the apex of manhood and a symbol of a lost time that shaped are country. I feel that the western sub genre of action movies are often over looked, but some great moments in film have been captured by this medium. The list of westerns and it's stars are too great to list but this might help put in focus for you. For the first time here is a list within a sub genre within a list. I give you the Top Ten westerns and Top Ten stars that helped shape it. This is not my opinion of the greatest westerns just an overview of the genre and what made it great. The following is from just using it for refference here. Great movies one and all, a golden age of cinema that still remains in the forefront of our culture.
Rio Bravo and El Dorado
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
True Grit
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Open Range
The Outlaw, Josie Wales
Wyatt Earp
Here are some names to chew on as well.
John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Randolph Scot, Joel McCrea, Audie Murphy, Jimmy Stewart, James Arness, James Druryand Doug McClure, all great stars that helped bring to light an area of a crossroad section of our world. So I give you our Number 6 greatest action star of all time and the top 2 guys that lead to it getting here.
Side note John Wayne's real name is Marion Robert Morrison, and my Grandmother - Marion VanCura, shared that first name with him.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
Top 5 coming up eye listeners.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Quick hits/ honorible mentions I can't place.
WELL..... Another week has come and gone my friends, a lot is happening in the next 7 days. Baseball is back, for which I am very excited about. This is also WrestleMania week, with the Rock hosting, Stone Cold Steve Austin ref-ing, HHH looks to end The Undertakers streak at 18, and in my opinion the greatest star to ever step in the ring takes his rightful place among the immortals in the Hall of Fame in HBK Shawn Michaels. Also in Sports NBA and the NHL seasons are winding down and they are gearing up for their 2 and a half plus post season. The NCAA will crown a new champ in the college ranks of Basketball. Also it's a big week for me personally fore I will be finally getting the Hell out of Satan's Vacation Home and away from my Mom before our relationship erodes beyond repair if it's not at that point already, our apartment is almost ready and I may have found a way to make a few extra bucks, but we will see. There are many bad things going on in the world but I just don't want to get into them at the moment, I am trying to stay in the right here right now and my back, hip and groin are doing enough bad things to me that I have more than my plates full going on inside. Which I hate to do, turning your back on the world is not the way to deal with it's problems, but right now I have to fix me before I can move on.
I wanted to quickly take this moment to give credit to a few action stars that will not be on my list. Big names like Will Smith because of the fact that his Action movies are not really action, they are big budget light shows with cheesy and at times bad one liners thrown in. Most of the plots are re-hashes of things we have seen before and more often than not he relies on other star power to carry the film along when he is not doing his loud over the top shtick. He is getting better though as his age makes him less cute for the lady demographic and after more than 20 years in the game he is starting to learn how to act but he simply doesn't belong on this list. Wesley Snipes does belong but I simply don't have a spot for him, I think I can get away with throwing him in s soon to be released spot, but I'll give him his props here in case I can't. Tom Cruise while having some great Action Films still doesn't feel like a true action star to me or am I crazy, while that may be the case, I just have a hard time calling a guy who has to get a step stool to look me in the eyes a bad ass if he is not of Asian or Martial arts heritage. Also Keanu Reeves is going to miss the list by a fraction as well mainly because I will not give up my boy Bruce Campbell's spot, even though Mr. Reeves is deserving I just don't feel he is more deserving than Bruce. This list is just stacked and is only getting better the next spot will soon be polluting your eyes, my friends. So buckle up eye listeners.
I wanted to quickly take this moment to give credit to a few action stars that will not be on my list. Big names like Will Smith because of the fact that his Action movies are not really action, they are big budget light shows with cheesy and at times bad one liners thrown in. Most of the plots are re-hashes of things we have seen before and more often than not he relies on other star power to carry the film along when he is not doing his loud over the top shtick. He is getting better though as his age makes him less cute for the lady demographic and after more than 20 years in the game he is starting to learn how to act but he simply doesn't belong on this list. Wesley Snipes does belong but I simply don't have a spot for him, I think I can get away with throwing him in s soon to be released spot, but I'll give him his props here in case I can't. Tom Cruise while having some great Action Films still doesn't feel like a true action star to me or am I crazy, while that may be the case, I just have a hard time calling a guy who has to get a step stool to look me in the eyes a bad ass if he is not of Asian or Martial arts heritage. Also Keanu Reeves is going to miss the list by a fraction as well mainly because I will not give up my boy Bruce Campbell's spot, even though Mr. Reeves is deserving I just don't feel he is more deserving than Bruce. This list is just stacked and is only getting better the next spot will soon be polluting your eyes, my friends. So buckle up eye listeners.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A number 1 at number 7.
I hate politics when it comes to my movies but in some cases it can't be avoided. How do you go from being one of the biggest stars of all time to a man that a leper wouldn't ask for his hand back if it fell off while shanking with him. There was a time when this guy was almost a lock at number 1 for this subject, his talent for bringing bad-assery and human emotion together is almost unmatched. This guy had at least 5 to 6 great movies left in him but now no body wants to even sneeze on him. His religious beliefs mixed with very poor timing for a drunkin outburst cost him those movies. Some may argue that he shouldn't be on the list at all but come on, he created 1 of the 2 most awesome and badass characters ( Bruce Willis - John Mcclain the other ) of all time. And for that alone he gets in but lest we forget he also owns one of the most impressive movie resumes in Hollywood.
When people were introduced to Police Sgt. Martin Riggs the standard reaction was whoooaaaa. He was smooth, funny, witty, a dead shot and maybe a little crazy. But it was his humanity that was the most awe inspiring, his connection with his recently dead wife and how he dealt with it, was what made him so connectible with movie goers. Martin was so deep and remarkable that 4 movies had to be used to get his full story across. Yes I know that Lethal Weapon had a Co-lead actor with Police Sgt. Murtough, and Danny Glover was fantastic in the role, but a movie that seemed to be focusing on an aging cop quickly was overshadowed by his impressive young counterpart. Who always seemed to have a one-liner that packed as much of a punch as his fists. They molded together so well, and fed off one another to form a friendship and partnership that was feared and idolized by everything around them in such a manner you would have thought they had their own gravitational pull. The role was etched even deeper with the addition of Joe Pesci as Leo Gets, and further still by the addition and in one case subtraction of love interests, but Rene Russo and her Riggs with a Vagina character Lorna Cole, was his match in every way and it was nice to see their bond shift from LW3 to LW4. Mel Gibson gave life to Martin Riggs and created an action icon that would never be matched. I have Martin Riggs as my number one action movie CHARACTER of all time. But, sorry to say he broke a rule in Hollywood and that is, excuse me for saying this, you don't piss off the Jews, not if you want to work there. I mean no disrespect there but it's well known that you can crap on anyone you want except them. His DUI and subsequent hateful rant still costs him but yet it may have paved the way for Charlie Sheen to get away with his, it's a shame they can't just switch because as far as talent Gibson buries Sheen. And while it's funny now, it's just a matter of time until Sheens words and actions destroy him and possibly cost him his life. With Gibson it's doubly sad because, well, lets look at this at this list of movies he has been a part of and you will see what I mean. I've put in Bold and italics and underlined the major movies of note for this list.
Mel Gibson Movie List
OK now that you have seen that, wow, right? What a career. While he may never get his stardom back he is My number 7 greatest action star of all time. So Cheers Mel Gibson, your career was taken far to soon but I have no sympathy for the suicide pill you made your career eat.
The list is taking shape eye listeners.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
When people were introduced to Police Sgt. Martin Riggs the standard reaction was whoooaaaa. He was smooth, funny, witty, a dead shot and maybe a little crazy. But it was his humanity that was the most awe inspiring, his connection with his recently dead wife and how he dealt with it, was what made him so connectible with movie goers. Martin was so deep and remarkable that 4 movies had to be used to get his full story across. Yes I know that Lethal Weapon had a Co-lead actor with Police Sgt. Murtough, and Danny Glover was fantastic in the role, but a movie that seemed to be focusing on an aging cop quickly was overshadowed by his impressive young counterpart. Who always seemed to have a one-liner that packed as much of a punch as his fists. They molded together so well, and fed off one another to form a friendship and partnership that was feared and idolized by everything around them in such a manner you would have thought they had their own gravitational pull. The role was etched even deeper with the addition of Joe Pesci as Leo Gets, and further still by the addition and in one case subtraction of love interests, but Rene Russo and her Riggs with a Vagina character Lorna Cole, was his match in every way and it was nice to see their bond shift from LW3 to LW4. Mel Gibson gave life to Martin Riggs and created an action icon that would never be matched. I have Martin Riggs as my number one action movie CHARACTER of all time. But, sorry to say he broke a rule in Hollywood and that is, excuse me for saying this, you don't piss off the Jews, not if you want to work there. I mean no disrespect there but it's well known that you can crap on anyone you want except them. His DUI and subsequent hateful rant still costs him but yet it may have paved the way for Charlie Sheen to get away with his, it's a shame they can't just switch because as far as talent Gibson buries Sheen. And while it's funny now, it's just a matter of time until Sheens words and actions destroy him and possibly cost him his life. With Gibson it's doubly sad because, well, lets look at this at this list of movies he has been a part of and you will see what I mean. I've put in Bold and italics and underlined the major movies of note for this list.
Mel Gibson Movie List
- Edge of Darkness (2010)- Ronald Craven
- Paparazzi (2004)- Anger Management Therapy Patient (uncredited role)
- The Singing Detective (2003)- Dr. Gibbon
- Signs (2002)- Reverend Graham Hess
- We Were Soldiers (2002)- Lt. Col. Hal Moore
- What Women Want (2000)- Nick Marshall
- The Patriot (2000)- Benjamin Martin
- Chicken Run (2000)- Rocky (voice)
- The Million Dollar Hotel (2000)- Detective Skinner
- Payback (1999)- Porter
- Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)- Martin Riggs
- FairyTale: A True Story (1997)- Frances’ Father (uncredited role)
- Conspiracy Theory (1997)- Jerry Fletcher
- Fathers’ Day (1997)- Scott the Body Piercer (uncredited role)
- Ransom (1996)- Tom Mullen
- Pocahontas (1995)- John Smith (voice)
- Braveheart (1995)- William Wallace
- Maverick (1994)- Bret Maverick
- The Man Without a Face (1993)- Justin McLeod
- The Chili Con Carne Club (1993)- Mel
- Forever Young (1992)- Captain Daniel McCormick
- Lethal Weapon 3 (1992)- Martin Riggs
- Hamlet (1990)- Hamlet
- Air America (1990)- Gene Ryack
- Bird on a Wire (1990)- Rick Jarmin
- Lethal Weapon 2 (1989)- Martin Riggs
- Tequila Sunrise (1988)- Dale ‘Mac’ McKussic
- Lethal Weapon (1987)- Martin Riggs
- Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985)- ‘Mad’ Max Rockatansky
- Mrs. Soffel (1984)- Ed Biddle
- The River (1984)- Tom Garvey
- The Bounty (1984)- Fletcher Christian Master’s Mate
- The Year of Living Dangerously (1982)- Guy Hamilton
- Attack Force Z (1982)- Captain Paul Kelly
- Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)- Max
- Gallipoli (1981)- Frank Dunne
- The Chain Reaction (1980)- Bearded Mechanic (uncredited role). Note that the film is sometimes called ‘Nuclear Run’.
- Tim (1979)- Tim Melville
- Mad Max (1979)- Max
- Summer City (1977)- Scollop. An alternate title of the film is ‘Coast of Terror’.
- I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977)- Baseball Player (uncredited role)
- Another Day in Paradise (2008- television movie)
- Apocalypto (2006)
- Leonard Cohen: I’m Your Man (2005)- executive producer
- Paparazzi (2004)
- Evel Knievel (2004- television movie)
- The Passion of the Christ (2004)
- The Singing Detective (2003)
- Family Curse (2003- television movie)- executive producer
- Invincible (2001- television movie)- executive producer
- The Three Stooges (2000- television movie)- executive producer
- Braveheart (1995)
- Forever Young (1992)- executive producer
- Apocalypto (2006)
- The Passion of the Christ (2004)
- Braveheart (1995)
- The Man Without a Face (1993)
OK now that you have seen that, wow, right? What a career. While he may never get his stardom back he is My number 7 greatest action star of all time. So Cheers Mel Gibson, your career was taken far to soon but I have no sympathy for the suicide pill you made your career eat.
The list is taking shape eye listeners.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Number 8 and a few notes.
First before anything else, let me start with a few FAN-tastic things. My Chicago Bulls are surging into the playoffs and they look like the team to beat in the East, the Blackhawks are also making their push into the playoffs in the NHL as well. & days and a new MLB season is upon us, GO CUBS GO, lets do it, this can be it lets break the 104 year streak and make Chicago happy shall we. Here's a sad R.I.P. to Elizabeth Taylor at the age of 79, her movies were almost as entertaining as her revolving door matrimony life, she was one of the last golden age of movie celebs yet, she had a stunning way of grabbing an audience by the shirt and not letting go till the final credits, may she find her peace.
OK on to number 8, this is most likely the easiest spot for me. This man was at one time the man measuring stick. A true fighter on and off camera. He also made pony tails for guys cool. As I searched other lists I was shocked to see his name excluded but hey this is all subjective so it is all good. Some of you may think he should be higher on the list but when you see how I have to cram the rest of these heavyweights of action in the next 7 spots you might understand. Here is folks the one the only Steven Seagal. Before and pissing and moaning about his spot here is a look at his work from Wiki just too many to type but just look at the list . Very impressive no. I think 8 is right where he belongs, fast hands and faster mouth, the one gripe people have is that every movie is the same to which I say Duh Winning. Why mess with something if you don't need to. He understood his range and stayed where he was comfortable and I say Kudos to that. Sometimes facing facts about your acting skills can be hard but not for Steven, he knew his range and stuck it out right there in that zone. His fast hands and ability to make bone snapping look real is his gift, why branch out, something Jim Carey could have been told among others. Rule 1 for staying hot in Hollywood Know who you are, not everyone can be a Brad Pitt and move between genres with ease, so for this I say thank you Steven and enjoy number 8 you earned it.
The list is from Wiki and I couldn't turn off the links but enjoy eye listeners.
Dave's Top Ten Action Stars.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
OK on to number 8, this is most likely the easiest spot for me. This man was at one time the man measuring stick. A true fighter on and off camera. He also made pony tails for guys cool. As I searched other lists I was shocked to see his name excluded but hey this is all subjective so it is all good. Some of you may think he should be higher on the list but when you see how I have to cram the rest of these heavyweights of action in the next 7 spots you might understand. Here is folks the one the only Steven Seagal. Before and pissing and moaning about his spot here is a look at his work from Wiki just too many to type but just look at the list . Very impressive no. I think 8 is right where he belongs, fast hands and faster mouth, the one gripe people have is that every movie is the same to which I say Duh Winning. Why mess with something if you don't need to. He understood his range and stayed where he was comfortable and I say Kudos to that. Sometimes facing facts about your acting skills can be hard but not for Steven, he knew his range and stuck it out right there in that zone. His fast hands and ability to make bone snapping look real is his gift, why branch out, something Jim Carey could have been told among others. Rule 1 for staying hot in Hollywood Know who you are, not everyone can be a Brad Pitt and move between genres with ease, so for this I say thank you Steven and enjoy number 8 you earned it.
The list is from Wiki and I couldn't turn off the links but enjoy eye listeners.
Dave's Top Ten Action Stars.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Action Stars are no easy task. And number 9.
Man this is a tough topic, mainly because what is action, not as easy to pin point as horror because horror transitions into sub-genres much more smoothly. Take Armageddon and Independence Day, to me not true action movie's I would put it into more of a disaster movie genre but where's the line. Westerns, are they action if so it's hard to argue against John Wayne in the top spot, but wait. Do I include Martial Arts flick, if so Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, what do I do with them, it's tricky but I'm gonna take my time and what I think I'll do is rank each sub-genre a spot on the list and highlight the stars that put it there I think that is the most fair and just way to do it. There are a bunch of action movies and it's a tricky, yet fun way to really get you thinking about the angles of action cinema, which brings me to number 9. Which I was gonna wait till later to drop but after all that above it helped me work it out a bit. So here we go.
Number 9 is gonna go to the ladies of action and while there are many in the world of martial arts alone like Kelly Wu which I will touch on later on in the list, there are only 3 to really talk about in this context of the 9 spot. Women action hero's are starting to grow in number, and while semi action hero's like Jessica Alba ( Fantastic Four ) and Sarah Michelle Gellar ( Buffy ) are good if not great stars I can't put them ahead of say Uma Thurman or Lucy Liu who both did really great action movies in the Kill Bill's Alone, and even they are not worth mentioning in the same breath as my three I have in mind, Kate Beckinsale ( Underworld ), may get there some day but not yet. And before you all start getting ahead of me here I do not consider Halle Berry worth mentioning despite being a Bond Girl and the X-Men Movies because well she just didn't do much in them, that does not mean I don't think she is very talented but lets be honest she got booted off my radar the second Cat Women dropped into theaters and died a big floppy death. What was she thinking. And while there are many women that have kicked ass over the years there are few that have sustained success in the Genre, which leads me to.......
My Number 9 spot starts with Sigourney Weaver, Aliens need I say more, she kicks 4 movies worth of ass and laid the ground work for the other 2 on this list. While her star has faded in recent years her impact as a pioneer for women in the genre has not. Next up is Angelina Jolie, Salt, Wanted , Tomb Raider, Mr & Mrs Smith and many more make it hard to touch her, with her beauty and on screen charm she is a staple in the Action world, but there is one that in my mind far surpasses her just on talent alone, Model turned action sex symbol Milla Jovovich, she has a great set of movies and I feel range is much greater than Jolies. The 5th Element is a great movie and she stole it hands down, which is hard to do when working with Bruce Willis a funny man scene stealer Chris Tucker but she did, and did it with out saying much for most of the film, then for me she clinched it with the Resident Evil Movies, which yes I know does tread into those sub-genre areas I talked about before. But the resident Evil movies FEEL like true action movies that happen to have Zombies in them rather than the other way around. The movies come from a strongly developed hit Video game series, yet Mila takes a new person never before mentioned in the games and gives her life and substance and takes over the Resident Evil name and latches hers to it in the same breath and that above all is why she is our rep. for the Ladies at number 9. Hope that clears some things up as well as sets the tone for the rest of the list eye listeners.
Dave's Top Ten Action Stars.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
Number 9 is gonna go to the ladies of action and while there are many in the world of martial arts alone like Kelly Wu which I will touch on later on in the list, there are only 3 to really talk about in this context of the 9 spot. Women action hero's are starting to grow in number, and while semi action hero's like Jessica Alba ( Fantastic Four ) and Sarah Michelle Gellar ( Buffy ) are good if not great stars I can't put them ahead of say Uma Thurman or Lucy Liu who both did really great action movies in the Kill Bill's Alone, and even they are not worth mentioning in the same breath as my three I have in mind, Kate Beckinsale ( Underworld ), may get there some day but not yet. And before you all start getting ahead of me here I do not consider Halle Berry worth mentioning despite being a Bond Girl and the X-Men Movies because well she just didn't do much in them, that does not mean I don't think she is very talented but lets be honest she got booted off my radar the second Cat Women dropped into theaters and died a big floppy death. What was she thinking. And while there are many women that have kicked ass over the years there are few that have sustained success in the Genre, which leads me to.......
My Number 9 spot starts with Sigourney Weaver, Aliens need I say more, she kicks 4 movies worth of ass and laid the ground work for the other 2 on this list. While her star has faded in recent years her impact as a pioneer for women in the genre has not. Next up is Angelina Jolie, Salt, Wanted , Tomb Raider, Mr & Mrs Smith and many more make it hard to touch her, with her beauty and on screen charm she is a staple in the Action world, but there is one that in my mind far surpasses her just on talent alone, Model turned action sex symbol Milla Jovovich, she has a great set of movies and I feel range is much greater than Jolies. The 5th Element is a great movie and she stole it hands down, which is hard to do when working with Bruce Willis a funny man scene stealer Chris Tucker but she did, and did it with out saying much for most of the film, then for me she clinched it with the Resident Evil Movies, which yes I know does tread into those sub-genre areas I talked about before. But the resident Evil movies FEEL like true action movies that happen to have Zombies in them rather than the other way around. The movies come from a strongly developed hit Video game series, yet Mila takes a new person never before mentioned in the games and gives her life and substance and takes over the Resident Evil name and latches hers to it in the same breath and that above all is why she is our rep. for the Ladies at number 9. Hope that clears some things up as well as sets the tone for the rest of the list eye listeners.
Dave's Top Ten Action Stars.
!0. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
Some Good Pics Of Bruce
Or Not..... Sorry Folks the pics didn't work but posted it....ya's a big thing.....sorry.
Back to the Blog mines
Sorry for the no post, but I needed to have a day of Zen- Action movie day to properly due this justice. Ranking horror and ranking action is very different so when it comes down to if you don't like my picks well then ...... Nener Nener nener start you own blog....uh.... but don't stop reading ...well uh..... mine. Ok moving on Number 10.
This first pick not everyone is gonna get but if your like me and love B-Movies as well as substance then you will understand and might even have him higher in you own rankings, his movies cross over time to time between horror and action to down right comedy but his TV carer is Vast, and been on hits, like Jack of All Trades, Zena, Hercules, Charmed, and currently Burn Notice, to name a few. His movie carer has garnered a large Cult Following, starring in films like, Evil Dead 1& 2, Army Of Darkness, Bubba Ho-tep, The Man With the Screaming Brain, Manic Cop, Sundown The Vampire in Retreat, Escape From L.A., and My Name is Bruce, He has lent his voice to the highly successful Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. He is loved by Directing giant Sam Raimi, and has had cameos in the Spider man and Darkman films. He's also a best selling writer but then again so is Snookie. He's worked with them all, and pissed many off but no matter how many bridges he's burned to the ground he always manages to find a way back into Hollywood and our hearts. He is one of my personal Favs. and the reason I started doing plays as a kid. He is our Number 10 Greatest Action Star of all time Bruce Campbell.
I better do this list fast because it seems like the world is plummeting into War eye listeners.
Dave's List Of Top Tn Action Stars
10. Bruce Campbell
This first pick not everyone is gonna get but if your like me and love B-Movies as well as substance then you will understand and might even have him higher in you own rankings, his movies cross over time to time between horror and action to down right comedy but his TV carer is Vast, and been on hits, like Jack of All Trades, Zena, Hercules, Charmed, and currently Burn Notice, to name a few. His movie carer has garnered a large Cult Following, starring in films like, Evil Dead 1& 2, Army Of Darkness, Bubba Ho-tep, The Man With the Screaming Brain, Manic Cop, Sundown The Vampire in Retreat, Escape From L.A., and My Name is Bruce, He has lent his voice to the highly successful Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. He is loved by Directing giant Sam Raimi, and has had cameos in the Spider man and Darkman films. He's also a best selling writer but then again so is Snookie. He's worked with them all, and pissed many off but no matter how many bridges he's burned to the ground he always manages to find a way back into Hollywood and our hearts. He is one of my personal Favs. and the reason I started doing plays as a kid. He is our Number 10 Greatest Action Star of all time Bruce Campbell.
I better do this list fast because it seems like the world is plummeting into War eye listeners.
Dave's List Of Top Tn Action Stars
10. Bruce Campbell
Sunday, March 20, 2011
An Action packed idea.
Liz great idea, I love Action Movies, and ranking them will be tricky and challenging. Action movies seem to fall in series and are judged that way, take foe example Die Hard after the first 3 came out, everyone loved them and put them in very high order as far as rank, but then Live Free or Die Hard ( horrible name by the way ) came out and it seemed to bring down the whole series, I don't remember the last time I talked to some of my movie geek friend about them let alone watch any of the set. Here in lies the problem, but also the fun. I think instead of movie or series how about top ten action movie stars. Everyday I'll list one just as before but instead of talking about the plot of one movie, I will use the actor action movie resume as basis for their rank. That way we cover amount of films while at the same time rediscover the stars behind them, tell me what you think eye listeners.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I guess that leads us to number 1.
Well this has been a fun week to blog, I have had a blast doing this countdown, and would love to do another one, do you guys have any ideas, I would love to hear them. For those of you who just read mt blog but don't follow, please look on the right side of the blog and see where it says followers, well right there is a little rectangle that say follow please click on it, I would love to hear from you guys , and get your feedback, let me know what you would like me to countdown next or just drop in to say hi. I look forward to hearing from you.
OK so here we are Number 1, if you have paid attention to my list you may know where I'm going with this. The greatest Horror movie of all time is..... well here I will let Dr. Sam Loomis introduce the man responsible for the death of many a teen and the fear struck into many a babysitter.
Dr. Sam Loomis " I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the *devil's* eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... *evil*. "
No truer words have been spoken, these were the words to describe one Michael Meyers. The best ( or worst depending on how you look at it ) thing about Michael is that he simply didn't stop coming, ever. I have to put Halloween 1 & 2 together because they are equally great and 2 picks right after 1 so they are a team, and together they make one great story from a great mind, John Carpenter, who wrote and directed this amazing tale. He is one of the greatest minds in all of cinema. Halloween is the greatest Horror movie of all time and one f the greatest movies period. Donald Pleasence was the leading force in this film but at the heart of this success is one women who got her start in the role of Laurie Strode, Her talent and simple beauty cut through the 4th wall of the movie and into the viewer, That's why she became known as the Scream Queen and John Carpenter Is the reigning King hands down. So here is the final Top Ten list in full.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist/ The Omen
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Jaws
1. Halloween 1 & 2
Some of you guys may be upset that some cult icon movies were not included or that my list is too mainstream, but this just how I see it and trust me I would love to be able to fit them all in here but I needed the best of the best. However here is a small list of honorable mentions.
Evil Dead, House of Usher, Friday the 13th, I know what you did last Summer, The Thing, Warlock, Alien, Amityville, An American Werewolf In London, Dog Soldiers, April Fools Day, Arachnophobia, Fright Night,
Hellraiser, Phantasm, Poltergeist, Predator, Stir of Echoes, The Gate, The Prophecy, The.Blob, The.Zombie.Diaries, Dawn of the Dead, just to name a few great films I had to pick through all these, while it was fun it was also hard because of all the greatness laid out before you.
Tell me what you guys think and send me your ideas for the next list, hope you enjoyed the countdown eye listeners.
OK so here we are Number 1, if you have paid attention to my list you may know where I'm going with this. The greatest Horror movie of all time is..... well here I will let Dr. Sam Loomis introduce the man responsible for the death of many a teen and the fear struck into many a babysitter.
Dr. Sam Loomis " I met him, fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the *devil's* eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... *evil*. "
No truer words have been spoken, these were the words to describe one Michael Meyers. The best ( or worst depending on how you look at it ) thing about Michael is that he simply didn't stop coming, ever. I have to put Halloween 1 & 2 together because they are equally great and 2 picks right after 1 so they are a team, and together they make one great story from a great mind, John Carpenter, who wrote and directed this amazing tale. He is one of the greatest minds in all of cinema. Halloween is the greatest Horror movie of all time and one f the greatest movies period. Donald Pleasence was the leading force in this film but at the heart of this success is one women who got her start in the role of Laurie Strode, Her talent and simple beauty cut through the 4th wall of the movie and into the viewer, That's why she became known as the Scream Queen and John Carpenter Is the reigning King hands down. So here is the final Top Ten list in full.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist/ The Omen
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Jaws
1. Halloween 1 & 2
Some of you guys may be upset that some cult icon movies were not included or that my list is too mainstream, but this just how I see it and trust me I would love to be able to fit them all in here but I needed the best of the best. However here is a small list of honorable mentions.
Evil Dead, House of Usher, Friday the 13th, I know what you did last Summer, The Thing, Warlock, Alien, Amityville, An American Werewolf In London, Dog Soldiers, April Fools Day, Arachnophobia, Fright Night,
Hellraiser, Phantasm, Poltergeist, Predator, Stir of Echoes, The Gate, The Prophecy, The.Blob, The.Zombie.Diaries, Dawn of the Dead, just to name a few great films I had to pick through all these, while it was fun it was also hard because of all the greatness laid out before you.
Tell me what you guys think and send me your ideas for the next list, hope you enjoyed the countdown eye listeners.
Friday, March 18, 2011
A Quick rant/ A Quick adjustment to number 8. And while we are at it lets do # 2
Let me start by saying I am so glad to be retired from the Army because I would hate to go to Libya. I know what Obama said today about no ground troops yada yada yada. It's just a matter of time though. He's also taking a lot of negative feedback because in the middle of one of Mother Nature's biggest, strongest and longest hissey fits the world has ever seen, with the Japan quakes and mega waves and their reactor problems and how it may affect the U.S. west coast. Now couple that with Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan and so many more issues around the world. Our President, for the third straight year mind you, goes on ESPN and for like 30 min. fills out his NCAA Basketball Bracket mens & womens. To me that tasteless classless and basically just unreal it honestly makes me sick seeing these actions by the most powerful man on the planet, it's a slap in the face to everyone injured or killed since all the fighting began, so yeah I have a hard time trusting this guy. That speech he gave is quite similar to the one Bush gave about a decade ago in fact much was line for line. Of course Obama delivered it better no surprise because he seems like he is more of a common celebrity or actor than The President Of the United States America, it would be down right comical if it wasn't so sad, disrespectful and from his previous behavior predictable I mean this is the same guy that first got into a Senate seat un-opposed. When he got into the office of president he know all eyes are on him and what does he do, he goes to the, I guess back porch you can call it of the White House and with other world leader drinks beer with them and smoking with them. I'm not saying he can't do those things, but he is in basically the highest seat of power on the planet and knows how media driven our world is now, and to me that was actions uncharacteristic and unbecoming of a President, Monarch or Steward, just my opinion, sorry if it sounded like I was on my high horse or something but to me a man or woman in charge should at least keep those actions inside, out of the ever present cameras eye. At least Bush was good for a chuckle or two, he was almost like a Harpo Marx that talked. There are so many problems right now, thousands of vets like myself, Medically retired vets again like me are struggling just to feed their families and stay afloat in this whirlpool we call life, and this guy, our leader is worried about Basketball..... really. I am so tired of being jerked around by the ego- centric, agenda driven, hypocrites that run the world. That's why I have stayed here in Germany, hardly any crime, history all around us, great food and once you learn the language very nice people . Sorry for the rant it's been festering all day.
I have made a mistake, really just an omission, I will now rectify. At 8 The Exorcist is good where it's at but I have to put another movie in with it, just as good, pushes the envelope just as much and has one of my favorite scenes in all of cinema. Need a hint " Damien, look at me Damien, Damien it's all for you " great scene great line fantastic movie The Omen.
Well since we are already here lets take a look at number 2, What you get get when you mix great actors, one of the greatest directors of all time, state of the art Animatronics ( co-named Bruce ) and an already established fear of the open sea, I'll tell you, you get our number 2 horror flick of all time, Jaws. It's funny this movie was almost scrapped....twice. Spielberg said it was the most challenging movie of his life, went way over budget and simply put the damn robot shark wouldn't work right. It seemed everything was working against this movie but somehow thank the Gods, it made it to the big screen. It terrorized an entire generation, I don't even like swimming in a pool by myself, that movie had that much impact on me. Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss were just outstanding, truly a classic, and would also make it in my top ten films of all time as well not just horror, great piece of art, a masterpiece really, if a masterpiece could eat you whole, to go on I'll need 10,000 bucks for that you the head the tail, the whole damn thing. One of my all-time favorite lines.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist/ The Omen
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Jaws
Enjoy eye listeners, only one more, care to take a guess, I will also post some honorable mentions. Live life well today friends. Also get ready for the super moon tonight it's gonna be awesome, get your cameras out.
I have made a mistake, really just an omission, I will now rectify. At 8 The Exorcist is good where it's at but I have to put another movie in with it, just as good, pushes the envelope just as much and has one of my favorite scenes in all of cinema. Need a hint " Damien, look at me Damien, Damien it's all for you " great scene great line fantastic movie The Omen.
Well since we are already here lets take a look at number 2, What you get get when you mix great actors, one of the greatest directors of all time, state of the art Animatronics ( co-named Bruce ) and an already established fear of the open sea, I'll tell you, you get our number 2 horror flick of all time, Jaws. It's funny this movie was almost scrapped....twice. Spielberg said it was the most challenging movie of his life, went way over budget and simply put the damn robot shark wouldn't work right. It seemed everything was working against this movie but somehow thank the Gods, it made it to the big screen. It terrorized an entire generation, I don't even like swimming in a pool by myself, that movie had that much impact on me. Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss were just outstanding, truly a classic, and would also make it in my top ten films of all time as well not just horror, great piece of art, a masterpiece really, if a masterpiece could eat you whole, to go on I'll need 10,000 bucks for that you the head the tail, the whole damn thing. One of my all-time favorite lines.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist/ The Omen
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Jaws
Enjoy eye listeners, only one more, care to take a guess, I will also post some honorable mentions. Live life well today friends. Also get ready for the super moon tonight it's gonna be awesome, get your cameras out.
Number 3 and an expaination.
OK so there is still no answer to why or how I ended up in the bathroom last night or why I lost time, so I'm just gonna leave it alone, because once you start diggin you don't just stop, and if you dig deep enough you will find crap.
Alright on to number 3, some of you are going to be mad at me for not including the Friday the 13th series on my list, now I love these movies, but the reason for exclusion is this. Mainly they never knew where they were going with the movies, just based off the killers alone, check this out, here is a quick rundown of the movies and killer and the way they were offed.
Part 1. Mrs. Pamela Vorhees ( Jason's mom ) - Decapitation
Part 2 Bag over his head Jason - Machete to the neck, but he jumps through the window at the end and they never explain what happened.
Part 3 Stolen Hockey mask from Chubby goofey Actor teen Shelly, Jason - Hung then a Machete to the head.
Part 4. Woke up in the morgue hockey masked Jason - Corey Feldmen's character Tommy Jarvis puts a machete in his head and chops him up
Part 5. Not Jason at all. One of the Paramedics just so happened to be the father of a fat mental patient that was killed at a rehab type nut-house by one of the other nuts, also it happened to be the place where an older Tommy Jarvis is at. The dad goes nuts puts on a mask and starts killing - died when he was pushed off the barn on some well placed spikes. At the end of the movie they tease that Tommy is the new Jason.
Part 6. They forget all of what happened in Part 5. so a Supernatural Jason emerges when an older Tommy tries to destroy Jason''s body at a graveyard he digs him up and impales with a big metal pike and it gets hit by lightning and re-animates Jason - Dies when Tommy takes a big rock tied with a chain around it and hooks it to Jason keeping him under water.
Part 7. Jason still under water gets cut loose when a Carrie with a 6th sense knock off girl tries to bring her father who also died in the lake back to life but by accident brings Jason back - Until at the end when a brought back to life dad re-hooks the chain to Jason putting him back in the water.
Part 8. 2 teens on a boat drop anchor in Crystal Lake it hits a power line which brings back Jason - Killed by raw sewage that some how turned back to a little boy again wow.
Part 9. Once again they forget about the last film and Jason is still alive, only to be blown up by some military type people, then a coroner eats his heart and Jason can body jump - Killed when the daughter of his never before mentioned sister drives a dagger through his heart, at the very end a Freddy Kreuger hand pops up from the ground and grabs Jason's mask, how nice of him.
Part 10. Jason is cryo-genically frozen only to be awakened on a space ship some 400 years later - He doesn't really die just see him kinda burning up in the atmosphere upon re-entry to Earth 2 just so happens it's a camp lake.
Part 11. Brought back by Freddy fights Freddy both survive and Jason is carrying Freddy's head which is still alive and winking.
There you have people all that crazy and inconsistent stuff is why it does not crack my top ten.
OK number 3 is A nightmare n Elm Street it was a new idea in horror it became a pop culture Icon, while it's sequels may tread off the beaten path the first is still relevent, enjoyable and scary today. Enjoy Eye listeners.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
Alright on to number 3, some of you are going to be mad at me for not including the Friday the 13th series on my list, now I love these movies, but the reason for exclusion is this. Mainly they never knew where they were going with the movies, just based off the killers alone, check this out, here is a quick rundown of the movies and killer and the way they were offed.
Part 1. Mrs. Pamela Vorhees ( Jason's mom ) - Decapitation
Part 2 Bag over his head Jason - Machete to the neck, but he jumps through the window at the end and they never explain what happened.
Part 3 Stolen Hockey mask from Chubby goofey Actor teen Shelly, Jason - Hung then a Machete to the head.
Part 4. Woke up in the morgue hockey masked Jason - Corey Feldmen's character Tommy Jarvis puts a machete in his head and chops him up
Part 5. Not Jason at all. One of the Paramedics just so happened to be the father of a fat mental patient that was killed at a rehab type nut-house by one of the other nuts, also it happened to be the place where an older Tommy Jarvis is at. The dad goes nuts puts on a mask and starts killing - died when he was pushed off the barn on some well placed spikes. At the end of the movie they tease that Tommy is the new Jason.
Part 6. They forget all of what happened in Part 5. so a Supernatural Jason emerges when an older Tommy tries to destroy Jason''s body at a graveyard he digs him up and impales with a big metal pike and it gets hit by lightning and re-animates Jason - Dies when Tommy takes a big rock tied with a chain around it and hooks it to Jason keeping him under water.
Part 7. Jason still under water gets cut loose when a Carrie with a 6th sense knock off girl tries to bring her father who also died in the lake back to life but by accident brings Jason back - Until at the end when a brought back to life dad re-hooks the chain to Jason putting him back in the water.
Part 8. 2 teens on a boat drop anchor in Crystal Lake it hits a power line which brings back Jason - Killed by raw sewage that some how turned back to a little boy again wow.
Part 9. Once again they forget about the last film and Jason is still alive, only to be blown up by some military type people, then a coroner eats his heart and Jason can body jump - Killed when the daughter of his never before mentioned sister drives a dagger through his heart, at the very end a Freddy Kreuger hand pops up from the ground and grabs Jason's mask, how nice of him.
Part 10. Jason is cryo-genically frozen only to be awakened on a space ship some 400 years later - He doesn't really die just see him kinda burning up in the atmosphere upon re-entry to Earth 2 just so happens it's a camp lake.
Part 11. Brought back by Freddy fights Freddy both survive and Jason is carrying Freddy's head which is still alive and winking.
There you have people all that crazy and inconsistent stuff is why it does not crack my top ten.
OK number 3 is A nightmare n Elm Street it was a new idea in horror it became a pop culture Icon, while it's sequels may tread off the beaten path the first is still relevent, enjoyable and scary today. Enjoy Eye listeners.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
Thursday, March 17, 2011
How weird am I?
OK guys I'm kinda freaking out right now, the last thing I can remember is, I was playing NBA 2K11 at around 0130 to 0200 AM. The Next thing I know, I'm being woken up by my Mom on the toilet seat at like 0315 AM. It hurt so bad when I got off it so I know I was there a long time. That's never happened to me, never just blacked and woke up somewhere else. What if I would of hurt myself or even worse somebody else, who knows, I can't stop trembling this really has me on edge. I'm afraid to go back to sleep now, but I'm gonna lock the door to my room so I can't get out, I'm real scared guys, this is freaky. OK I will talk to you all tomorrow or later today if you wanna get technical eye listeners.
Number 4.
So just a few more days in the Devil's Summer home, moving into our new place and I'm more than ready. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate every thing my parents have done for us in this hard time and I always will be. However it's time to go, so that's that, now lets get down to business eye listeners.
Number 4, this is where it get tricky so once again I will cram more than one movie in this slot, because not only are they iconic, they stayed strong through all these years, and both changed the game and opened doors for future films. The First is a movie that practically invented the killer animal genre, long before Jaws there was a movie with a simple yet terrifying premise, and the movie is from the first father of horror ( along with Vincent Price ) Alfred Hitchcock and the film is The Birds, great movie and I don't know about you guys but time walk around and see a bunch of birds around me I still get a lump in my throat.
The other is from a man whom many say is greatest horror scribe of all time, you've already see me write about this movie once so I will not gild the lily any farther. It's Stephen King's the Shinning. So here is the updated list, we are getting closer to number 1, enjoy folks.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
Number 4, this is where it get tricky so once again I will cram more than one movie in this slot, because not only are they iconic, they stayed strong through all these years, and both changed the game and opened doors for future films. The First is a movie that practically invented the killer animal genre, long before Jaws there was a movie with a simple yet terrifying premise, and the movie is from the first father of horror ( along with Vincent Price ) Alfred Hitchcock and the film is The Birds, great movie and I don't know about you guys but time walk around and see a bunch of birds around me I still get a lump in my throat.
The other is from a man whom many say is greatest horror scribe of all time, you've already see me write about this movie once so I will not gild the lily any farther. It's Stephen King's the Shinning. So here is the updated list, we are getting closer to number 1, enjoy folks.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A bit of a scare./The midway point.
Got a little freaked out last night my kid (Alisha) out of nowhere struck a fever at about 103, my mom while giving her a hug felt her hot head and then took her temp. I didn't want to jump the gun so we gave her some kids meds. and it went down but I still stayed with her while she slept. Man that freaked me out because she really doesn't get sick too often. But come to think of it she was at a slumber birthday party this weekend probably picked it up there, if it would have gotten any worse we were taking her in to the E.R. but thank the Gods it didn't come to that.
OK down to business number 5. I base a lot of my picks on, A) Is the movie entertaining B) Will it stand the test of time and C) Did it re-define the genre. Now no matter if you are or are not a fan of these next films, you can't deny that it ushered in a new era of horror movies. When it comes down to it, it meets all my expectations and it has not only a star studded cast but a well written and very well directed tone. What else would you expect from Wes Craven, When Scream came out it changed the face of horror movies while very strictly sticking to the rules of the genre so for number 5 eye listeners, I have to go with the Scream series and might I add I'm very much looking forward to Scream 4 which is in the late stages of production now.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
OK down to business number 5. I base a lot of my picks on, A) Is the movie entertaining B) Will it stand the test of time and C) Did it re-define the genre. Now no matter if you are or are not a fan of these next films, you can't deny that it ushered in a new era of horror movies. When it comes down to it, it meets all my expectations and it has not only a star studded cast but a well written and very well directed tone. What else would you expect from Wes Craven, When Scream came out it changed the face of horror movies while very strictly sticking to the rules of the genre so for number 5 eye listeners, I have to go with the Scream series and might I add I'm very much looking forward to Scream 4 which is in the late stages of production now.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
Monday, March 14, 2011
A hard Time.
You know I find it interesting how small my problems seem when I look at the world around me, and remember most of the time I can barely use the left side of my body. The world is in complete chaos, I feel so bad for the people going through these things. I am not really going anywhere with this, it's just on my mind....all the time. I mean Japan is, just done, I mean how long till they recover if at all, more meltdowns could be on the way for them as well as more shakers and such. I don't know I am just at a loss right now. I just seem so tiny right now you know. It's a good thing in a way to feel this way because it shows you the large scope of the world and our tiny place in it. It's just sad that it takes this type of damage for us to really come out of our own worlds and take stock of ourselves. OK I feel a bit better having got that out.
Alright on with the count down, we are at number 6, OK I am gonna jam 2 movies in here because because it's a look at the best of the FOUND FILM sub-genre and these 2 do it the best, The Blair Witch Project changed the Horror genre and it opened the door to low budget hand camera films. It told a story in a new and fresh way and most importantly when I saw it in the theaters on day one when it was being passed off as a true story it really got me good, I can say that I was scared it was great a film, watch it before you go camping next I dare you. The other is Paranormal Activity, now this movie and the follow up are just fantastic and it takes the hand camera genera and flips it on its ear, I think the reason for that is all the really scary parts happened while they were in bed sleeping. Terror when your awake and can face it is one thing but terror when we are at our most vulnerable state in something else. This movie is great all across the board and some of the next films on the list did not exist it could have been number 1, I think that highly of it. So here's the new list enjoy eye listeners.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
Alright on with the count down, we are at number 6, OK I am gonna jam 2 movies in here because because it's a look at the best of the FOUND FILM sub-genre and these 2 do it the best, The Blair Witch Project changed the Horror genre and it opened the door to low budget hand camera films. It told a story in a new and fresh way and most importantly when I saw it in the theaters on day one when it was being passed off as a true story it really got me good, I can say that I was scared it was great a film, watch it before you go camping next I dare you. The other is Paranormal Activity, now this movie and the follow up are just fantastic and it takes the hand camera genera and flips it on its ear, I think the reason for that is all the really scary parts happened while they were in bed sleeping. Terror when your awake and can face it is one thing but terror when we are at our most vulnerable state in something else. This movie is great all across the board and some of the next films on the list did not exist it could have been number 1, I think that highly of it. So here's the new list enjoy eye listeners.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Super Moon.
I just wanted to post an article I just read that a few interesting things to say about Super Moons,and although NASA and other respected Scientists hold on to the belief that super moons don't cause these things, there are a bunch of compelling disasters that happened around past super moons. But think about this if NASA were to confirm that super moons could pull this off, there would wide spread panic, I mean there already a bunch religious extremists out there touting the end of the world. Yes, I do feel those in power do hide stuff from us in order to maintain order and control, but in the end it's all up to you, and what you feel is correct, sometimes you have to decide if you're going to take the blue pill and accept the world as is, or do you take the red pill and see just how far the rabbit hole goes. Choose wisely eye listeners.
This Super Moon will occur on March 19 when it is in its closest position to the earth this year. This one happens to be a full Moon, so it is time to prepare now. Full Moons in general can cause havoc, and this one for sure will not go unnoticed by anyone.
Get ready for what could be moderate to severe weather patterns, increased seismic activity, tsunamis and more volcanic eruptions than normal. This phenomenon includes the days leading up to March 19 and the days after until around March 22nd.
We experienced extreme weather conditions under the last Super Moons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005. Hurricane Katrina is one example which happened in 2005 under a Super Moon’s influence. The moon has such a strong gravitational pull on the earth it can control the tides and under certain conditions causes extra strong tidal patters as in the Indonesian tsunami.
The well known astrologer, Richard Nolle coined the phrase, Super Moon and he is predicting just such occurrences this March in particular and could continue into April of this year. The Moon exerts gravitational pull on the earth and the closer it is, the more influence it has. Super Moon’s have a particularly strong pull on the earth because they are much closer to the earth during these phases.
This March may prove to be one of the worst months for severe weather and seismic activity yet this year. This may be because the Moon has not been this close to the earth in 18 years. The coastal regions should prepare for especially strong and high tides.
This will be the second of three Super Moons this year. One occurred in February, again in March and April. These three months should mark a noticeable change in earth activity, along with gas leaks or explosions and earthquakes. Get your camera out because this particular Super Moon will appear extremely large at it rises after the sun sets, because it will be the closest one of the year.
Just after the Super Moon, get ready for more financial concerns world-wide, especially the European bond market, an increase in oil and gas disruptions and the price of everything going up and into panic mode. Many power outages are likely to occur, especially if earthquakes hit densely populated areas. Stock markets may also be in for a wild ride.
by Kit Karson on 07-03-2011
Get ready for what could be moderate to severe weather patterns, increased seismic activity, tsunamis and more volcanic eruptions than normal. This phenomenon includes the days leading up to March 19 and the days after until around March 22nd.
We experienced extreme weather conditions under the last Super Moons in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005. Hurricane Katrina is one example which happened in 2005 under a Super Moon’s influence. The moon has such a strong gravitational pull on the earth it can control the tides and under certain conditions causes extra strong tidal patters as in the Indonesian tsunami.
The well known astrologer, Richard Nolle coined the phrase, Super Moon and he is predicting just such occurrences this March in particular and could continue into April of this year. The Moon exerts gravitational pull on the earth and the closer it is, the more influence it has. Super Moon’s have a particularly strong pull on the earth because they are much closer to the earth during these phases.
This March may prove to be one of the worst months for severe weather and seismic activity yet this year. This may be because the Moon has not been this close to the earth in 18 years. The coastal regions should prepare for especially strong and high tides.
This will be the second of three Super Moons this year. One occurred in February, again in March and April. These three months should mark a noticeable change in earth activity, along with gas leaks or explosions and earthquakes. Get your camera out because this particular Super Moon will appear extremely large at it rises after the sun sets, because it will be the closest one of the year.
Just after the Super Moon, get ready for more financial concerns world-wide, especially the European bond market, an increase in oil and gas disruptions and the price of everything going up and into panic mode. Many power outages are likely to occur, especially if earthquakes hit densely populated areas. Stock markets may also be in for a wild ride.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Number 7.
To be honest guys I am a bit "off" right now, my mind is kinda stuck with all the crazy things going on right now and any thing I write about it simply will not do it justice. It also poses the question is the world close to an end, I don't personally think it is, but I really can't blame anyone that does, this has all happened before and the common thread seems to be the Super Moon that will once again culminate on the 19th. The moon being that close to us has to have a bunch to do with what's going on, it has in the past, please take a moment to google the Super Moon, and yes that's really what they call it. For everyone that feels the effects of this horrible situation both physically or like me emotionally my heart goes out to you. So instead I have come to the conclusion that, to take our minds off of this even for a moment, I should continue the countdown.
Number 7, I knew 8 to 5 was going to be hard, and this may be the most "iffy" title on the list, but I feel it shows just enough horror and provide just enough tension to qualify for the genre. So my number 7 choice is, Lost Boys, filmed well, great vampire scenes, loaded with talent, just a great movie and I feel it belongs on this list.
Dave's Top Ten List.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
And now another random top ten list, this time in reverse order. This one from America's Best & top ten, enjoy eye listeners.
Number 7, I knew 8 to 5 was going to be hard, and this may be the most "iffy" title on the list, but I feel it shows just enough horror and provide just enough tension to qualify for the genre. So my number 7 choice is, Lost Boys, filmed well, great vampire scenes, loaded with talent, just a great movie and I feel it belongs on this list.
Dave's Top Ten List.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
And now another random top ten list, this time in reverse order. This one from America's Best & top ten, enjoy eye listeners.
1. Psycho (1960)
2. The Shining (1980)
3. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
4. The Exorcist (1973)
5. Halloween (1978)
4. The Exorcist (1973)
5. Halloween (1978)
6. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
7. Frankenstein (1931)
8. Dawn of the Dead(1978)
9. Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
10. Poltergeist (1982)
Friday, March 11, 2011
The world is getting scary.
Just living in this world is hard, the day to day grind alone is enough to make some people quit, then throw in this horrible crop of earthquakes and Tsunami's and it really makes it hard to get by. I mean we are talking about 8.8 strength earthquakes here, that is huge and aftershocks in the 7's I mean wow. This is very difficult to write about because my words simply cannot do the situation justice. For sure everyone over there effected and those who are simply scared out of there minds for the future like I am, just know that there are people we can talk to and at least one person has everyone in the forefront of his mind. Is the world coming to an end? It sure seems like it doesn't it? OK, take a breath step back, and lets look at this in a pragmatic and rationale mindset. The world has been spinning a long, long time, and it's hard to think it's ending now. Disasters like this has been going on forever and until I see other wise the sun is still rising and setting, but I do think the current position of the moon may have something to do with this. This is from yahoo but it may carry and reason for all this.
On March 19, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years, lighting up the night sky from just 221,567 miles (356,577 kilometers) away. On top of that, it will be full. And one astrologer believes it could inflict massive damage on the planet.
They are calling it a supermoon, aptly named I guess. Now remember Astrology is not a recognized science and I think it's bull myself, but being a physics nerd I can see where this could pose a big problem for our planet. But enough of that, as long as the world is turning and I still have electricity I still have movies to watch so lets press on shall we.
Dave's current top ten list.
10. Night of the Living Dead
9. Suspiria
Which brings us to number 8, but first I want to clarify my list a bit, you will see on some of these lists movies like Event Horizon and Shaun of the Dead, now while they are great movies it's hard to put them in the horror genre, EVH for sure is not horror and all but the last 30 min. of Shaun of the Dead is also not horror. So you won't see them on my list now if the masses are angry I will put the last 30 min of Shaun of the Dead as an Honorary co-number 10, simply because those mins. were sooo good, really some of the best film in a zombie movie and from me that's a hell of a statement. So POOF.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 30 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
OK number 8, this is where it gets tricky and It may upset people but I am going to The Exorcist here at number 8, I feel while it is a great movie it gets over hyped due to it's shock value, You have to remember this movie came out in 1973 and for the time it was really mind blowing and very edgy and over the top and I feel even for today it's shock value still holds, but if you take out the over the top stuff you still have a solid but not top ten film so for that I have to put it at 8. Not like that's a bad thing. Again I will re-post my current list and another random list from the inter webs enjoy eye listeners.
Dave's Top Ten List.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
Random Top Ten List ( From IMDb )
10. King Kong ( 1933 )
9. Rosemary's Baby ( 1968 )
8. Faust ( 1926 )
7. The Exorcist ( 1973 )
6.Nosferatu ( 1922 )
5.The Thing ( 1982 )
4. Diabolique ( 1955 )
3.The Shinning ( 1980 )
2. Alien ( 1979 )
1. Psycho ( 1960 )
On March 19, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years, lighting up the night sky from just 221,567 miles (356,577 kilometers) away. On top of that, it will be full. And one astrologer believes it could inflict massive damage on the planet.
They are calling it a supermoon, aptly named I guess. Now remember Astrology is not a recognized science and I think it's bull myself, but being a physics nerd I can see where this could pose a big problem for our planet. But enough of that, as long as the world is turning and I still have electricity I still have movies to watch so lets press on shall we.
Dave's current top ten list.
10. Night of the Living Dead
9. Suspiria
Which brings us to number 8, but first I want to clarify my list a bit, you will see on some of these lists movies like Event Horizon and Shaun of the Dead, now while they are great movies it's hard to put them in the horror genre, EVH for sure is not horror and all but the last 30 min. of Shaun of the Dead is also not horror. So you won't see them on my list now if the masses are angry I will put the last 30 min of Shaun of the Dead as an Honorary co-number 10, simply because those mins. were sooo good, really some of the best film in a zombie movie and from me that's a hell of a statement. So POOF.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 30 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
OK number 8, this is where it gets tricky and It may upset people but I am going to The Exorcist here at number 8, I feel while it is a great movie it gets over hyped due to it's shock value, You have to remember this movie came out in 1973 and for the time it was really mind blowing and very edgy and over the top and I feel even for today it's shock value still holds, but if you take out the over the top stuff you still have a solid but not top ten film so for that I have to put it at 8. Not like that's a bad thing. Again I will re-post my current list and another random list from the inter webs enjoy eye listeners.
Dave's Top Ten List.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
Random Top Ten List ( From IMDb )
10. King Kong ( 1933 )
9. Rosemary's Baby ( 1968 )
8. Faust ( 1926 )
7. The Exorcist ( 1973 )
6.Nosferatu ( 1922 )
5.The Thing ( 1982 )
4. Diabolique ( 1955 )
3.The Shinning ( 1980 )
2. Alien ( 1979 )
1. Psycho ( 1960 )
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Movies and other ideas.
I think I may now be looking for reasons to argue with my mom, I have spent so much energy and time being angry and fighting with her that maybe I'm too jaded to just be, now my pride would like to say NO that's not true. But if I move past that pesky thing that pride is then maybe I can just let go of my resentment for my mom. Does she do and say a bunch of rude and mean things, yes she does but that doesn't mean I have to buy into it and let it boil over. I have got to find a way to let go of the past when it comes to my mom but it's hard because she constantly throws the past around like a hot potato. So I am going to try and limit my conversations to certain topics with her. My other thing is how she is with my kid, you see my mom plays mind games and I see how she sets Alisha up to get into trouble but the problem is when I say anything, mom freaks out like I'm the bad guy here and it's not right. I think I just need to bide my time until I am out of here and then just let it go.
OK so back into movies, Liz had a good question about glowing eyes and Dario Argento's Suspiria which is ironic because it just so happens to ring in at number 9 on my Top Ten list of greatest horror movies of all time. Night of the living dead was 10 and while some may differ on it's position I feel it is right where belongs, it's a great movie but Dario Argento's Suspiria is a really great movie and it is a legit scary film. Now on to Liz's question, there are glowing eyes in Suspiria, but I think the set of eyes you are refering to are in Salems lot but I will go back and watch both just to verify, great question. So now I will post another random Top Ten from another site along with my current list and we will move on to 8 tomorrow.
Dave's Top Ten
10. Night of the Living Dead
9. Suspiria
10 Pyhsco.
9. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
8. Jaws
7. Event Horizon
6. Rosemary's Baby
5. The Shinning
4. Halloween
3. Jacob's Ladder
2. The Exorcist
1. The Thing
OK so back into movies, Liz had a good question about glowing eyes and Dario Argento's Suspiria which is ironic because it just so happens to ring in at number 9 on my Top Ten list of greatest horror movies of all time. Night of the living dead was 10 and while some may differ on it's position I feel it is right where belongs, it's a great movie but Dario Argento's Suspiria is a really great movie and it is a legit scary film. Now on to Liz's question, there are glowing eyes in Suspiria, but I think the set of eyes you are refering to are in Salems lot but I will go back and watch both just to verify, great question. So now I will post another random Top Ten from another site along with my current list and we will move on to 8 tomorrow.
Dave's Top Ten
10. Night of the Living Dead
9. Suspiria
10 Pyhsco.
9. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
8. Jaws
7. Event Horizon
6. Rosemary's Baby
5. The Shinning
4. Halloween
3. Jacob's Ladder
2. The Exorcist
1. The Thing
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
And never mind
Man this is how it is with mom, forget what I wrote earlier, she says things to hurt, and once again has thrown me staying here in my face but this time in front of Alisha and that's not cool, she will not use my kid against me, I just tired of this.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Life is funny.
After my last post life decided to have some fun with me. My mom and I just had a great little chat and she was so nice and, well all that good stuff I said she does every now and then, She was all of those thing times 5 so thanks life for making me feel like a douche-hat. So be nice to each other eye listeners.
Get me out of here.
I want to start out by saying I am very thankful for my mom letting me stay here while our new place is becoming available, I glad she was here because we would have really been screwed if they were not when all this crap happened. She, at time has been great, really helpful to me, and all. That being said, and I don't want to seem ungrateful here but I need to get out of here. I try and keep to myself I'm hurting bad so I try not to get in the way. But I guess it wasn't good enough, she constantly throws it in my face that we are here, and just makes me feel like a burden. I wanted to get close with her again but it's not happening she is just, well.... mean. I love my mom and I always will, but come on. I want to go on but I don't want to make things worse which I'm am sure I already have with what I typed, you see I can't say anything without it becoming a big thing. It's just hard, I know it's not easy on her and Joe either but if that's the case don't ask us to come here, plain and simple. If she asked us here out of obligation well that's fine too but it doesn't give anyone the right be like this. I just want my own place again, that's the bottom line. Now I feel like an ass-hat. But when I started this blog I said I would be honest and open but I mean it's my mom and I love her very much, but when we are around each other too long it's like a bomb just waiting to go off, to be fair that's like that with my whole family, we are all insane when together compared to just mildly nuts when apart.
... Of the day.
Word, gimcrack A showy but useless or worthless object; a gewgaw. Tastelessly showy; cheap; gaudy.
Quote ( new ) Order is not pressure which is imposed on society from without, but an equilibrium which is set up from within.
- José Ortega y Gasset
Music, lets get funky wit Cool and the gang, and Earth Wind and Fire.
Movie, Well lets do this, here is a random top ten from MSN for horror films lets post it and see what you guys think also I will do my own countdown for my top ten starting with number ten today, please post your top ten and lets make a real list of top ten best ever, ya game eye listeners.
Dave's number 10 - the George Romero genre defining film Night of the Living Dead, this includes both of the remakes because I am giving most credit to the idea of the film more than the films themselves in this case. Great movies, and hey it started something so great that not only is it still around today but it back on top of pop culture look at all the Zombie stuff that is big right now.
Here is MSM's Top Ten List enjoy.
10. "Eraserhead" (1977)
David Lynch's cult classic is the closest thing to being stuck in a nightmare: Not much makes sense, but you get the feeling that nothing is quite right. Lynch employs dinners that walk off the plate, eerie silences that become deafening and an infant that makes Rosemary's baby seem cute and cuddly. So chilling it's damn near unwatchable.
9. "The Exorcist" (1973)
The real terror of "The Exorcist" may not involve Satan and possession, but the helplessness of a parent trying to save a child. Of course, a ton of harrowing special effects and director William Friedkin's somber respect for the supernatural subject matter doesn't hurt either. It's horror for grown-ups.
8. "Halloween" (1978)
John Carpenter's film is blamed for the rash of slasher films that destroyed the genre in the '80s, but "Halloween" possesses a style and intensity that most of its copycats lack. From the opening sequence -- when we see through the eyes of little boy Michael Myers as he stalks and murders his sister -- onward, the film relies on suspense rather than sensationalism. Our fear is caused by what might happen rather than actual events, as Carpenter spends a good amount of time in darkness, making us see things that may or may not be there.
7. "Don't Look Now" (1973)
Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie head to Venice to forget the tragic accidental death of their child. However, it's impossible to forget when the dead child keeps reappearing. Nicolas Roeg's labyrinthine film is rich in dreamlike atmosphere and works on a purely psychological level: It disorients, frustrates and builds to a horrible climax, reminding that tragedy can never be forgotten ... and neither can this film.
6. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974)
A group of annoying teens make a wrong turn on a road trip through Texas and encounter the most dysfunctional family imaginable. It's a teen exploitation flick shot like a documentary. Wonderfully grim, mean and inhumane, director Tobe Hooper's debut doesn't spill much blood, instead opting to giddily, relentlessly torture and chase its audience (much like Leatherface treats his victims) for 80 minutes. It feels like days.
5. "Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)
Before dream-killer Freddy Krueger became a quipping pop-culture reference, he represented the most twisted monster unleashed on the public since Halloween's Michael Myers. Seeking vengeance by slicing and dicing the children of the parents who murdered him, Freddy scared the hell out of Cineplex audiences. His on-screen entrance remains terrifying, as does much of director Wes Craven's surreal, smart and shocking masterpiece.
4. "Suspiria" (1977)
"Suspiria" is a full-on sensory assault by Italian horror master Dario Argento, the cinematic equivalent of an anxiety attack. A poor American ballet student arrives in Europe and Argento berates her with weather, grisly murders, a possible coven of witches, his virtuosic camera, and possible the freakiest score ever conceived (by the director himself). The plot barely makes sense, so just let it terrorize you.
3. "Night of the Living Dead" (1968)
A group of kids get trapped inside a farm house by an endless stream of flesh-eating zombies. Sounds silly, but director George Romero takes his simple premise and redefines the genre with a shoestring budget. The amount of sadistic gore, the claustrophobic tension, the rising levels of hysteria and an increasingly deflated awareness that a happy ending is impossible make this a nasty classic. There is no hope here, only suffocating terror.
2. Repulsion (1965)
Director Roman Polanski did more horror afterward, with "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Tenant," but this -- a menacing, nightmarish profile of one woman's descent into madness -- may be his most realized effort. Catherine Denueve embodies sexual repression as a young woman left alone in her apartment -- and to her deluded fantasies -- for the weekend. The film is nearly silent, creating a mounting mood of dread. Try watching it alone with the lights off and see how long you last.
1. "Psycho" (1960)
Alfred Hitchcock's blueprint for contemporary horror: More than just a film, "Psycho" was a cultural slap in the face. Censors wanted to ban it, while screaming audiences couldn't get enough of it. Hitch employs all of his tricks -- shifting audience sympathies, killing off the main character halfway through the film and a ton of macabre humor -- but more importantly he makes the horror internal. Norman Bates isn't a monster in the classic sense; he suggests that the greatest evil can lurk beneath the quietest, most pleasant surface.
... Of the day.
Word, gimcrack A showy but useless or worthless object; a gewgaw. Tastelessly showy; cheap; gaudy.
Quote ( new ) Order is not pressure which is imposed on society from without, but an equilibrium which is set up from within.
- José Ortega y Gasset
Music, lets get funky wit Cool and the gang, and Earth Wind and Fire.
Movie, Well lets do this, here is a random top ten from MSN for horror films lets post it and see what you guys think also I will do my own countdown for my top ten starting with number ten today, please post your top ten and lets make a real list of top ten best ever, ya game eye listeners.
Dave's number 10 - the George Romero genre defining film Night of the Living Dead, this includes both of the remakes because I am giving most credit to the idea of the film more than the films themselves in this case. Great movies, and hey it started something so great that not only is it still around today but it back on top of pop culture look at all the Zombie stuff that is big right now.
Here is MSM's Top Ten List enjoy.
10. "Eraserhead" (1977)
David Lynch's cult classic is the closest thing to being stuck in a nightmare: Not much makes sense, but you get the feeling that nothing is quite right. Lynch employs dinners that walk off the plate, eerie silences that become deafening and an infant that makes Rosemary's baby seem cute and cuddly. So chilling it's damn near unwatchable.
9. "The Exorcist" (1973)
The real terror of "The Exorcist" may not involve Satan and possession, but the helplessness of a parent trying to save a child. Of course, a ton of harrowing special effects and director William Friedkin's somber respect for the supernatural subject matter doesn't hurt either. It's horror for grown-ups.
8. "Halloween" (1978)
John Carpenter's film is blamed for the rash of slasher films that destroyed the genre in the '80s, but "Halloween" possesses a style and intensity that most of its copycats lack. From the opening sequence -- when we see through the eyes of little boy Michael Myers as he stalks and murders his sister -- onward, the film relies on suspense rather than sensationalism. Our fear is caused by what might happen rather than actual events, as Carpenter spends a good amount of time in darkness, making us see things that may or may not be there.
7. "Don't Look Now" (1973)
Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie head to Venice to forget the tragic accidental death of their child. However, it's impossible to forget when the dead child keeps reappearing. Nicolas Roeg's labyrinthine film is rich in dreamlike atmosphere and works on a purely psychological level: It disorients, frustrates and builds to a horrible climax, reminding that tragedy can never be forgotten ... and neither can this film.
6. "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974)
A group of annoying teens make a wrong turn on a road trip through Texas and encounter the most dysfunctional family imaginable. It's a teen exploitation flick shot like a documentary. Wonderfully grim, mean and inhumane, director Tobe Hooper's debut doesn't spill much blood, instead opting to giddily, relentlessly torture and chase its audience (much like Leatherface treats his victims) for 80 minutes. It feels like days.
5. "Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)
Before dream-killer Freddy Krueger became a quipping pop-culture reference, he represented the most twisted monster unleashed on the public since Halloween's Michael Myers. Seeking vengeance by slicing and dicing the children of the parents who murdered him, Freddy scared the hell out of Cineplex audiences. His on-screen entrance remains terrifying, as does much of director Wes Craven's surreal, smart and shocking masterpiece.
4. "Suspiria" (1977)
"Suspiria" is a full-on sensory assault by Italian horror master Dario Argento, the cinematic equivalent of an anxiety attack. A poor American ballet student arrives in Europe and Argento berates her with weather, grisly murders, a possible coven of witches, his virtuosic camera, and possible the freakiest score ever conceived (by the director himself). The plot barely makes sense, so just let it terrorize you.
3. "Night of the Living Dead" (1968)
A group of kids get trapped inside a farm house by an endless stream of flesh-eating zombies. Sounds silly, but director George Romero takes his simple premise and redefines the genre with a shoestring budget. The amount of sadistic gore, the claustrophobic tension, the rising levels of hysteria and an increasingly deflated awareness that a happy ending is impossible make this a nasty classic. There is no hope here, only suffocating terror.
2. Repulsion (1965)
Director Roman Polanski did more horror afterward, with "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Tenant," but this -- a menacing, nightmarish profile of one woman's descent into madness -- may be his most realized effort. Catherine Denueve embodies sexual repression as a young woman left alone in her apartment -- and to her deluded fantasies -- for the weekend. The film is nearly silent, creating a mounting mood of dread. Try watching it alone with the lights off and see how long you last.
1. "Psycho" (1960)
Alfred Hitchcock's blueprint for contemporary horror: More than just a film, "Psycho" was a cultural slap in the face. Censors wanted to ban it, while screaming audiences couldn't get enough of it. Hitch employs all of his tricks -- shifting audience sympathies, killing off the main character halfway through the film and a ton of macabre humor -- but more importantly he makes the horror internal. Norman Bates isn't a monster in the classic sense; he suggests that the greatest evil can lurk beneath the quietest, most pleasant surface.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Learning to adjust.
Had a real nice morning with my kid, she was so happy I could take her outside, I am going to try to make it a daily thing but we will see. I'm hurting pretty bad right now and didn't sleep much or well. But hey adaptation is a key survival right? I just want a slice of my life back. I will take it slow but I'm back life, as Pat Benatar sang Hit me with your best shot.
... Of the day.
Word ( NEW ), Chortle - To utter, or express with, a snorting, exultant laugh or chuckle.
Music, I feeling dancey today, Gloria Gaynor and Donna Summer.
TV, new supernatural was awesome check this show out,
Movie, great cornball movie, Crybaby, peace eye listeners.
... Of the day.
Word ( NEW ), Chortle - To utter, or express with, a snorting, exultant laugh or chuckle.
Music, I feeling dancey today, Gloria Gaynor and Donna Summer.
TV, new supernatural was awesome check this show out,
Movie, great cornball movie, Crybaby, peace eye listeners.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
As David Bowie once sang it's time to make a change. Now I already know that the things I am going to do are going to make my pain worse but I hoping that the doctors are wrong and someday I will lose some of this pain, after this weekend I don't truly think that will happen though. I mean my body just shut down .... hard. By the time we got home yesterday I couldn't move my left side let alone feel it, at first when my left arm went numb I thought I was having a stroke or heart attack but I didn't so .... go me. Today everything hurts, but starting Monday morning I am going to start living my life again, no I can't bend over and pick my kid up, but I am going to start forcing myself to take her out to the playground and stuff, I can't handle it then OK I'll stop but I'm NOT going to live in fear anymore. I want to lose some weight and I may have found a way to make extra money doing something I love. You see I love FLEE markets and I have a good eye, I think I can sell stuff online so look for my Ebay store coming soon. I am just gonna have fun with it and have more fun in life all around. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, peace eye listeners.
... Of the day.
Music, the one the only ..... Feels so good makes ya wanna dance ..... ABBA.
TV .... Burn Notice great show and .... Bruce Cambell that's all you need people.
Movie, John Carpenter's Vampires awesome flick and c'mon James Woods.....awwwwe Yeah.
... Of the day.
Music, the one the only ..... Feels so good makes ya wanna dance ..... ABBA.
TV .... Burn Notice great show and .... Bruce Cambell that's all you need people.
Movie, John Carpenter's Vampires awesome flick and c'mon James Woods.....awwwwe Yeah.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
One of the best nights of my life.
I just had the best night, we were out all day driving around, even though it hurt the joy we felt pushed me through. I'm so tired, but in a good way. I was hurting so bad and out of meds. that we decided to have a drink, even though I am not a drinker, well one turned into....lord I don't know. What I do know is my wife and I well.....uh ......reconnected shall we say. It would be ungentlemenly of me to elaborate.... sorry for the bad spelling my head is spinning with a little booze and a ton of far they best night I've had in well over three years, but I will pay for it later, the pain is setting back in so I may not write for a day we will see. I have to say to you guys, some ( Liz ) more than others ( people I've known for 15 years ) that your support during my low times has really kept me going and although the bad times will seep back in soon, I know brighter days are ahead. Peace eye listeners.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Nightmares and meaning
Well guys I just had the worst nightmare of my life that was not war related flashbacks ( which I still have every now and then ). I am pretty good at breaking down dreams bad or good and what they mean. If I don't know what something means then of course I have the inter-webs so I can find out most of the time, but here I'm a tad thrown off. The images are fading fast from my head as I wake up more so I wanted to try and get as much noted as I could. I just woke up screaming and crying and then I guess from the movement the pain in my groin and hip set in and I almost blacked out from it. So here's what I remember, dark rooms, caves I think, trying to get access to the caves but the outside was also dark and I couldn't find my way, but still the cave was there and I just needed to get inside. Then for some reason I was almost cut in half by a bigger and distorted version of myself, that's when I woke up. A few ideas come to mind first of which goes back to what I said the other day, being lost and such, and the feeling that I may have gotten in the way of my own future and destiny with my injuries and all. However the perverted part of my brain thinks this is sex related, as I have stated before because of pain and such it has been a while ( 3 years to be exact ) and it's been like 2 weeks since I have even seen my wife ( the longest time ever not related to a deployment ), so I was feeling good and my pain wasn't that bad and she looked real good last night and the mood struck......well it once again only struck me, hence the problem, it's either her drive is gone and not coming back or her drive for me is gone either way I screwed......or not I guess ( ha .... words are funny ) I don't hide things in this blog and Mel knows that and I wasn't lewd or anything so she won't be mad at me but with the inclusion of the cave I just can't seem to get inside and then myself, a bigger, more ugly me standing in the way which could be a reference to the weight I put on and how I view myself and use that as the reason I feel she just doesn't want me anymore ..... as far as that me almost cutting myself in half....well I guess you'll have to figure that bat crap cray stuff out for yourself. Now the rational side of me just wants to write this off as a nightmare, plain and simple with no context or meaning, sometimes a dream is just a dream, I do feel like we as a species and a civilization we tend to over evaluate and place extra or not needed meaning on things, but as Freud said sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I don't know, anyone have any ideas because I am caught a bit off guard here.
... Of the day
Music is anything by Human League the androgynous 80's pop band with the eerie yet melodic hits like Don't you want me baby and Fascination among others.
TV, I'm re-watching That 70's show, very good show, it was funny.
Movie is the semi flop hit Vanilla Sky because that's only thing more crazy than my dream. Also Orange County, great movie with many layers and a Jack Black before he got to big for his own good. For the horror needs of the day lets go with Pet Sematary great flick it often gets lost among some of King's othe books just stay away from the sequel. Peace eye listeners.
... Of the day
Music is anything by Human League the androgynous 80's pop band with the eerie yet melodic hits like Don't you want me baby and Fascination among others.
TV, I'm re-watching That 70's show, very good show, it was funny.
Movie is the semi flop hit Vanilla Sky because that's only thing more crazy than my dream. Also Orange County, great movie with many layers and a Jack Black before he got to big for his own good. For the horror needs of the day lets go with Pet Sematary great flick it often gets lost among some of King's othe books just stay away from the sequel. Peace eye listeners.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Blah, blah, blah.
Today has been just a blah day, not good, not bad, just blah. I've now gotten to see all the Oscar movies this year and let me say one, down year for film, two Social Network got robbed big time. By far best flick of the year. Very well done film in all aspects and yeah it got robbed. Get to see the wife later on today, haven't seen her in two weeks, so I'm looking forward to a nice weekend. But with every passing day I've gotten more aore short with everyone. I just tired of being hurt and just tired period. My leg and hip is just on fire and I can't put much weight on it and I can't lay like at all. So yeah I'm getting frustrated and everything just seems to agitate me a lot more. I'll get through, I'm thinking of getting in to something new, like a new hobby or something. I'd like something that I can make money on but really I just want to put myself into something, just feel a bit lost.
... Of the day
Being a grump today has made me think that the of the day for everything is just family, take time today to see what's up with those closest to you, reconnect eye listeners, the people around you have stuff going on too and may need a ear. Also if anyone does need said ear please don't hesitate to ask me. All I got is time.
... Of the day
Being a grump today has made me think that the of the day for everything is just family, take time today to see what's up with those closest to you, reconnect eye listeners, the people around you have stuff going on too and may need a ear. Also if anyone does need said ear please don't hesitate to ask me. All I got is time.
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