Got a little freaked out last night my kid (Alisha) out of nowhere struck a fever at about 103, my mom while giving her a hug felt her hot head and then took her temp. I didn't want to jump the gun so we gave her some kids meds. and it went down but I still stayed with her while she slept. Man that freaked me out because she really doesn't get sick too often. But come to think of it she was at a slumber birthday party this weekend probably picked it up there, if it would have gotten any worse we were taking her in to the E.R. but thank the Gods it didn't come to that.
OK down to business number 5. I base a lot of my picks on, A) Is the movie entertaining B) Will it stand the test of time and C) Did it re-define the genre. Now no matter if you are or are not a fan of these next films, you can't deny that it ushered in a new era of horror movies. When it comes down to it, it meets all my expectations and it has not only a star studded cast but a well written and very well directed tone. What else would you expect from Wes Craven, When Scream came out it changed the face of horror movies while very strictly sticking to the rules of the genre so for number 5 eye listeners, I have to go with the Scream series and might I add I'm very much looking forward to Scream 4 which is in the late stages of production now.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
G'day Dave. Glad to know that Alisha is ok. You never know what bug is out there waiting to be picked up and kids can be very succeptible to them. It would have given you a terrible scare. Once again, all great movies. Take care.Liz...