So just a few more days in the Devil's Summer home, moving into our new place and I'm more than ready. Don't get me wrong I do appreciate every thing my parents have done for us in this hard time and I always will be. However it's time to go, so that's that, now lets get down to business eye listeners.
Number 4, this is where it get tricky so once again I will cram more than one movie in this slot, because not only are they iconic, they stayed strong through all these years, and both changed the game and opened doors for future films. The First is a movie that practically invented the killer animal genre, long before Jaws there was a movie with a simple yet terrifying premise, and the movie is from the first father of horror ( along with Vincent Price ) Alfred Hitchcock and the film is The Birds, great movie and I don't know about you guys but time walk around and see a bunch of birds around me I still get a lump in my throat.
The other is from a man whom many say is greatest horror scribe of all time, you've already see me write about this movie once so I will not gild the lily any farther. It's Stephen King's the Shinning. So here is the updated list, we are getting closer to number 1, enjoy folks.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
G'day Dave. All the best with the move, hope it brings some stability to your life. The Birds, what a great film. I too often think of it when I see a large flock hanging around. Take care. Liz...