Let me start by saying I am so glad to be retired from the Army because I would hate to go to Libya. I know what Obama said today about no ground troops yada yada yada. It's just a matter of time though. He's also taking a lot of negative feedback because in the middle of one of Mother Nature's biggest, strongest and longest hissey fits the world has ever seen, with the Japan quakes and mega waves and their reactor problems and how it may affect the U.S. west coast. Now couple that with Libya and Iraq and Afghanistan and so many more issues around the world. Our President, for the third straight year mind you, goes on ESPN and for like 30 min. fills out his NCAA Basketball Bracket mens & womens. To me that tasteless classless and basically just unreal it honestly makes me sick seeing these actions by the most powerful man on the planet, it's a slap in the face to everyone injured or killed since all the fighting began, so yeah I have a hard time trusting this guy. That speech he gave is quite similar to the one Bush gave about a decade ago in fact much was line for line. Of course Obama delivered it better no surprise because he seems like he is more of a common celebrity or actor than The President Of the United States America, it would be down right comical if it wasn't so sad, disrespectful and from his previous behavior predictable I mean this is the same guy that first got into a Senate seat un-opposed. When he got into the office of president he know all eyes are on him and what does he do, he goes to the, I guess back porch you can call it of the White House and with other world leader drinks beer with them and smoking with them. I'm not saying he can't do those things, but he is in basically the highest seat of power on the planet and knows how media driven our world is now, and to me that was actions uncharacteristic and unbecoming of a President, Monarch or Steward, just my opinion, sorry if it sounded like I was on my high horse or something but to me a man or woman in charge should at least keep those actions inside, out of the ever present cameras eye. At least Bush was good for a chuckle or two, he was almost like a Harpo Marx that talked. There are so many problems right now, thousands of vets like myself, Medically retired vets again like me are struggling just to feed their families and stay afloat in this whirlpool we call life, and this guy, our leader is worried about Basketball..... really. I am so tired of being jerked around by the ego- centric, agenda driven, hypocrites that run the world. That's why I have stayed here in Germany, hardly any crime, history all around us, great food and once you learn the language very nice people . Sorry for the rant it's been festering all day.
I have made a mistake, really just an omission, I will now rectify. At 8 The Exorcist is good where it's at but I have to put another movie in with it, just as good, pushes the envelope just as much and has one of my favorite scenes in all of cinema. Need a hint " Damien, look at me Damien, Damien it's all for you " great scene great line fantastic movie The Omen.
Well since we are already here lets take a look at number 2, What you get get when you mix great actors, one of the greatest directors of all time, state of the art Animatronics ( co-named Bruce ) and an already established fear of the open sea, I'll tell you, you get our number 2 horror flick of all time, Jaws. It's funny this movie was almost scrapped....twice. Spielberg said it was the most challenging movie of his life, went way over budget and simply put the damn robot shark wouldn't work right. It seemed everything was working against this movie but somehow thank the Gods, it made it to the big screen. It terrorized an entire generation, I don't even like swimming in a pool by myself, that movie had that much impact on me. Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss were just outstanding, truly a classic, and would also make it in my top ten films of all time as well not just horror, great piece of art, a masterpiece really, if a masterpiece could eat you whole, to go on I'll need 10,000 bucks for that you the head the tail, the whole damn thing. One of my all-time favorite lines.
10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist/ The Omen
7. Lost Boys
6. Paranormal Activity/The Blair Witch Project
5. Scream Series
4. The Shinning/ The Birds
3. A Nightmare on Elm Street
2. Jaws
Enjoy eye listeners, only one more, care to take a guess, I will also post some honorable mentions. Live life well today friends. Also get ready for the super moon tonight it's gonna be awesome, get your cameras out.
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