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Friday, March 11, 2011

The world is getting scary.

Just living in this world is hard, the day to day grind alone is enough to make some people quit, then throw in this horrible crop of earthquakes and Tsunami's and it really makes it hard to get by. I mean we are talking about 8.8 strength earthquakes here, that is huge and aftershocks in the 7's I mean wow. This is very difficult to write about because my words simply cannot do the situation justice. For sure everyone over there effected and those who are simply scared out of there minds for the future like I am, just know that there are people we can talk to and at least one person has everyone in the forefront of his mind. Is the world coming to an end? It sure seems like it doesn't it? OK, take a breath step back, and lets look at this in a pragmatic and rationale mindset. The world has been spinning a long, long time, and it's hard to think it's ending now. Disasters like this has been going on forever and until I see other wise the sun is still rising and setting, but I do think the current position of the moon may have something to do with this. This is from yahoo but it may carry and reason for all this.

On March 19, the moon will swing around Earth more closely than it has in the past 18 years, lighting up the night sky from just 221,567 miles (356,577 kilometers) away. On top of that, it will be full. And one astrologer believes it could inflict massive damage on the planet.

They are calling it a supermoon, aptly named I guess. Now remember Astrology is not a recognized science and I think it's bull myself, but being a physics nerd I can see where this could pose a big problem for our planet. But enough of that, as long as the world is turning and I still have electricity I still have movies to watch so lets press on shall we.

Dave's current top ten list.

10. Night of the Living Dead
9. Suspiria

Which brings us to number 8, but first I want to clarify my list a bit, you will see on some of these lists movies like Event Horizon and Shaun of the Dead, now while they are great movies it's hard to put them in the horror genre, EVH for sure is not horror and all but the last 30 min. of Shaun of the Dead is also not horror. So you won't see them on my list now if the masses are angry I will put the last 30 min of Shaun of the Dead as an Honorary co-number 10, simply because those mins. were sooo good, really some of the best film in a zombie movie and from me that's a hell of a statement.  So POOF.

10. Night of the Living Dead/last 30 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria

OK number 8, this is where it gets tricky and It may upset people but  I am going to The Exorcist here at number 8, I feel while it is a great movie it gets over hyped due to it's shock value, You have to remember this movie came out in 1973 and for the time it was really mind blowing and very edgy and over the top and I feel even for today it's shock value still holds, but if you take out the over the top stuff you still have a solid but not top ten film so for that I have to put it at 8. Not like that's a bad thing. Again I will re-post my current list and another random list from the inter webs enjoy eye listeners.

Dave's Top Ten List.

10. Night of the Living Dead/last 20 min of Shaun of the Dead.
9. Suspiria
8. The Exorcist

Random Top Ten List ( From IMDb )

10. King Kong ( 1933 )
9. Rosemary's Baby ( 1968 )
8. Faust ( 1926 )
7. The Exorcist ( 1973 )
6.Nosferatu ( 1922 )
5.The Thing  ( 1982 )
4. Diabolique ( 1955 )
3.The Shinning ( 1980 )
2. Alien ( 1979 )
1. Psycho ( 1960 )

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