Hello World,
My my, we have had an exciting time recently haven't we? Life was so much easier when I just broke up crime organizations or got shot at or have my house burned down. I never thought I would long for those days back. I am now caught in this self propelled machine of chaos, that I apparently kick started. I knew the origins of myself and my Father were.....complicated, but this. This is even more than I bargained for. I never knew asking questions could bring about so much trouble, nor could I ever conceive just how deep my Fathers evil streak went.
I had to grow up very fast because of the actions my Father perpetrated, and I excepted that. It was simple. Dad marries Mom. Mom finds out Dad is psychotic. Mom turns to the law for help. Officer falls in love with Mom. Mom then murdered by Father. Father goes to jail. Son cast out looking for answers. See easy, nothing to complex there, never did I think the next line would go as such. Son finds out Dad is Immortal and reason for all turmoil in the world. Son must now kill Dad and Twin to take Immortality for himself. You see, right there that's what I'm saying. I didn't sign up for all this insanity. I am not a hero!!! I am just a man. A man that rights wrongs where he sees them. A man that cannot lie. A man is seeking revenge for the crimes against him......
Oh...I see now, ha ha. This was never easy, because I and my nature was never simple. Perhaps I just fought against who I really was. Perhaps I thought by denying my destiny I could be free of it.
When I first began these Chronicles I asked you all a question. I asked. What is “Greatness”? Remember that? Maybe “Greatness” is simply realizing that there is NO denying who you are. It could be that “Greatness” is finally standing firm and living the life you were meant to. My bloodline on both sides of my Family is full of potential, and I feel it may be time to live up to it. It's time to take the fight to the Family itself. It's time to show the world just who I am and who I can become. Prepare yourselves Family, as should you Father, because the time for action is drawing near. No more fear of what I can lose, because simply waiting for the end feels worse than losing. Jack made me swear I would wait for the right time, and I did. But I never said that I wouldn't try and move the timetable forward.
Cousin!!! It is time we meet. Friends it is time for favors to be called in. Do not be surprised when I come to you for assistance. The world is in greater danger than ever and we all missed it, so indeed it is time to become one unit and fight back. It is time for my Father to die. It's time the Family becomes no more. I will wait for you cousin but as I do I will take the fight to the Family. It will all end here in this generation. For no other reason than it is time. But most of all it is long past time that I become the Hero I never wanted to be.
L.J. Stevans
G'day Dave. Maybe one day I will see this book or another on the bookstands with your name on it and I will be able to say "I know him" if only from a great distance.Even if that doesn't happen (though my fingers are crossed, that it does)I am still proud to say that I know you.Take care. Liz...