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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Chronicles Of L.J. Stevans: Part. 19. Fatherhood And A Dangerous Understanding.

Hello Once Again World,

My life is now changed forever, it's funny that just under a year ago I thought fatherhood was nothing but a quickly fading dream. As I stood next to Rebecca holding her hand, I knew this was the most important moment of my life. Rebecca was in a great deal of pain of course, in fact she threw me out of the room.....twice. However she would quickly call me back to her side. Having a child in my life seemed foolish before I met Rebecca, after what happened to Vanessa can you really blame me? I think about how life could be if I am ever able to finish things with my Family. My mind gets lost in the idea all the time. There was no more time for such thoughts now, I stood there trying to be a anchor of strength for her. She was told to start pushing, so she did. The pain in her screams scared me and also created a new appreciate for not only the beautiful power women have but also the fact that I a man. Moments later the doctor held up our new baby girl, I looked down at Rebecca, and told her just how beautiful she was. The look of relief quickly turned to a look of confusion and pain, suddenly she started pushing again. The doctor seemed caught unaware by the new wave of screaming and pain. He went back to see what was happening and before I knew what to think of the events, he held up another baby.....”It's a Boy!” He exclaimed.

Twins! We now had twins. My Family has a penchant for twins it seems. Rebecca now held both of our little miracles and looked down onto the with a tear in her eye and a new love in her heart. Until I saw the three of them, laying in that bed together, I never knew what unconditional love felt like. In a time of our lives that was filled with so much uncertainty, one thing became clear. My new mission in life was to ensure the safety of my new family.

Prior to the birth we had names picked out for either a boy or a girl, now we would get to use both. I picked up my son and looked into his still barely opened eyes and knew I was holding a James...... James Morgan Stevans. I knew his life would be hard because he is born with the same inability to lie that I have. Yet he will have something I never did, someone who understands him, and to show him the gift we both share. My wife looked at our daughter, then back at me and said. “Melissa Marie Stevans. ” I nodded with approval. With these changes to our lives it is important now, more than ever before to look upon the problems and threats to our very existence.

The way I look at it there are four people left that stand in our way of freeing the region of mayhem and chaos. My father of course, and my three remaining sisters. My Father, we all ready know the basic plan and the what the end game is for him. However, with the death of my Cousin and Uncle, I now do not know the how of this game. That it is why it is so important to locate the Historians vault, gather as much information as we can and then find the new Historian to protect the truths of the world. This must be our first priority.

After that we should find the eldest MacStevans remaining, and see if he can lend his assistance. It all seems so simple, the order I mean. But as with everything in my life it is far more complex. We can't just go after the vault. The combined strength of my Sisters is far too great, and they could easily follow us and take possession of it, and that I cannot allow. I do not expect my Father will be coming out from whatever rock he is under for a while now. So, to me it seems simple. We stay put, allow Rebecca to regain her strength, and continue to build our Army that began to assemble here in Milton. Once they are strong enough to protect the town in our absence, we move out to track down my sisters. Besides, there is still plenty of things very close by that could benefit from our help. I still need to recover from the last beating I took, and a on the side never fails to bring a tad of excitement, training and not to mention coin into our lives. After all, now I have kids and schooling to think about.

Now, Bethany and Ellen were both, manipulating, sinister, and all around terrible people. Compared to my three remaining siblings however, they were saints. These are the three I was most worried about, they were not even in this region before now and I still had them in the front of my thoughts.
They are the ones in charge of the Family's dealing across The Great Eastern Ocean. At least they were, I received word a week ago that they have landed in our region and have already set up shop all around us. Aside from the fact that they are great leaders even have a good number of men at their disposal, they are....well ….they are Evil. capital. E. little. v. little. i. little. l. They are also well trained in all kinds of weaponry, but even if they were not they still form a more than formidable team. What makes them so dangerous is they simply have no regard for life. They murder, torture and punish all those in their path. I must take them seriously and expect anything from them. To do that I must reevaluate just who they are.

Amber, the eldest of the three. She is very tall, even taller than I. She has short brown hair and almost golden eyes, she uses her looks to accomplish her will. Even at 45 she still is able to lure any man into her bed and right into her trappings. At least twice in her life she has intentionally tried and successfully gotten pregnant to hold a deal in place or ruin an uncorrupt mans image. This is how she operates, she uses treachery to take over any land, business or gang she chooses. She knows how to cast doubt in the mind any person she meets, she can read and almost instantly understand any person or situation she comes in contact with. It is for these reasons she is known as the strategist of the Family.

Next up is Christine. Short and round, she is muscle of the group, it would be unwise to cast doubt on her abilities just from her appearance. She may be short and robust but she can pact a punch. She claims to have never taken a lover, though I would wager that it were a lover has never taken her. She can fight like a man and outlast any in a straight fight. Her face has never cast a smile, she always seems to be grimacing, but not in least not physical pain. They say she hears voices and is unstable, even the other two Stevans sisters are not brave enough to turn their backs on her. Her hair is stark white and that's not from age. The rumor/joke is that she is so evil, so depraved so vile that even her hair has had the color drained from it in fear. Still she is not the one that worries me the most.

Abigail, she is the one to truly be aware of. She has the most power of the three because she not only possesses the worst qualities of the other two , but she also is the sole person in charge of the Family's army of followers. At 42 she is the youngest of the three and by far the most beautiful. Deep blue eyes and curly reddish-blonde hair the color of not quite ripe strawberries, frame her oval picture perfect face. She is of average height and her body is one of perfect proportion. She is a master of sword play, and the one in charge of every interrogation the family conducts. Her biggest skill however, may be her ability to find the right leverage points of a persons mind. Once found she then attacks without mercy. Even at her somewhat young age she has five teenage children, three boys, two girls and all born within a five year span. If it seems like she planned it that way, it is because she did. Each child born from a different father, she was said to have picked out the most physically and mentally fit male she could for mating. Directly after each birth the Father would simply disappear. Many call her the Mantis for these reasons. All five children are always at her side, they control the training of their men as well as provide security for their Mother and Aunts. Because of them she will be the hardest to gain access to.

They have no boundaries and it is said it's for that reason Father sent them over seas, He knew they would without a second thought kill the others to gain the power that constantly consumes their thoughts and drives their actions. While it is their strength that makes them all the more dangerous it also provides us with a weak point. Father does not trust them, not a shred. He knows they are looking for a way to live past this generation. Which can make them a threat to this Immortality. I know he will not aid them in their quest to find the vault, so it leaves me free to concentrate on them without worrying about his whereabouts for the time being. While the vault may hold the key to his Immortality he knows that inevitably, he is the lock. In truth, I'm not sure he is that wary of their plotting. He is still more powerful than all three combined, and he also just took the life of his own Father, an Immortal. My experience with Immortals tell me that he did so with a knowledge that with the death of the Historian came with it more power in some form. And that is why he is never to be forgotten and always cautious of.

All of this talk is important and will help us in our quest for answers but for now I think it is best I go be with my family. Without them I have nothing, I know that now. They have given me something always missing from my actions in my first 50 plus years on this planet. Focus, unwavering responsibility and a sense of conviction in my belief that they are more important and precious than anything else in my life. I will do anything to keep them safe but at this moment I simply need to love them.

L.J. Stevans

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave. That was a surprise. I wouldn't have thought of twins, but it's very fitting, isn't it? Take care. Liz...
