Hello Everyone,
Forgive me if I am a bit nervous, this is my first time addressing the Chronicles. My name is Bradley, but everyone calls me Brad. At the moment L.J. has business in the town, but since I was with him for the ride this morning, he wanted me to tell you all what happened today. To tell the truth it was pretty crazy to witness. It all started this morning, even before the Sun had completely risen. A few of the townsfolk came to L.J. and told him of a lone bandit on the roads collecting "tolls" from passerby's. Since his last battle with Ellen's monster of a champion and the twins births he hasn't had any “action” as he refers to it. He was feeling almost a hundred percent so he said and wanted to go out on a stroll for exercise and take a look at the would be "toll collector". Rebecca was still not ready to go out being only three weeks removed from the end of her pregnancy, and John was out fishing so I was hoping he would take me along. I know there is something that I do not quite yet understand about what happened today, but I will say this, Wesley Robbins is either the best or the worst highwayman I have ever seen.
The morning began simple enough, after breakfast, Logan came into my room and asked me if I wanted to check into this potential bandit situation. I jumped at the opportunity to do so. He has been asking me to go on most of his treks outside the town for a while now. So I have gotten better at controlling my outward enthusiasm a bit, but still, on the the inside I was still on cloud nine. I grew up listening to stories about him and now we are working together, it's still sinking in. He has really taken me under his wing, I don't have any family, they all passed on when I was ten. I made due, I guess. I worked at a tavern sweeping the floors, doing odd jobs around the bar and in return I got room and board until I was old enough to find real work and strike out on my own. So for L.J. and Rebecca to take me in and treat me as they do....well....it truly means a lot to me, I will do my best to never let them down. After we got ready we moved out on horse back to the area we heard this bandit was located. Now I have known bandits and such men in the past but I have never met one like this.
We came down the road and he just stood there, almost impatiently, like we were wasting his precious time. He didn't say a word, as we got closer he just held up his hand in a halting manner. L.J. Signaled to me to remain mounted as he jumped of the horse to stand before this cocky man. L.J. walked over to him and simply asked him who he was. “I am L.J Stevans, your toll collector this morning. Just offer a worthy tribute for my single handed deed of making sure the bullies over at A. M. D. S. stays out of the area and you may be on your way. ” He brashly stated. Hearing his words I almost fell of my horse. L.J. Just laughed a bit to himself at this as he replied. “And just why would we do such a thing Mr. Stevans. ” Without missing a beat this odd man began again. “Because I am L.J. Stevans good sir. Have you not heard of me?” The man was not even sweating, it's as if he really thought he was L.J. “Of course I've heard of you, who hasn't? Sorry to have questioned you. Thank you ever so much for dealing with that foul company for us. What would you like sir?” L.J. baited the imposter. “Think nothing of it.... ” He started to say before being cut off by L.J.'s raised hand. “There is a small problem. How do we know you are who you say you are?” It's as if he anticipated the question and he responded to L.J. by pointing to his belt where L.J.'s famous silver dagger now resided. “You know of this dagger do you not. ” He retorted. L.J. again seemed amused by this, as he now started to put it all together. This man was a scavenger, he found the dagger, recognized it and realized he could make some good coin from its history. Now L.J. Was ready to put an end to this charade.
“Of course I know that dagger, I left it with my sister Ellen's body a while back. Now who are you really?” L.J. lightly prodded. The confidence now drained from his green eyes. Still he stood tall and composed, he almost matched L.J.'s height inch for inch. “Ah, I see. The rumors of your condition are not as accurate as I would have guessed. ” He started once again. “Yes, we didn't want people to know exactly what shape I was in. ” L.J. said as he again cut the imposter off. At this point I was started to get nervous, the mans hand was moving slowly to his weapons but that's when I noticed so were L.J.'s. “Well, my name is Wesley Robbins, and I am a....service provider. I acquire difficult to come by items, as well as secrets. I am also a middle man for goods and services between small towns and groups. ” He said. He then popped his short curved blade as well as L.J.'s dagger up to his hands with a flourish. “I am also a master of the sword. ” L.J. seemed amused and brought Black Death and a new accompanying dagger to his hands. “OK, lets find out, I need the exercise anyway. ” L.J. Responded as they went into their dance. I had never been this close to L.J. while battling, his speed and form are much better than the stories suggest. However, this Wesley matched him move for move. The accurate swipes and counters rang out in the distance for several minutes until L.J. felt satisfied he got what he needed from the sparring session. He stepped back and sheathed his blades. I don't know if he thought his opponent would do the same, but he did not. He lunged at L.J. seeing the unarmed opponent as east prey and was met with a kick to the side of his head that brought him down and sent his weapons out from his grasp. With that it was over. L.J. walked over to him, extended his hand and said. “I think we should have a talk.
I now dismounted my horse and followed the two men behind a tree where Wesley's cart was hidden. “So I don't need to ask you why you were pretending to be me. In the past when times were tough I myself “collected tolls”. So I understand your situation. However I cannot have you extorting money from the people in the area either. You haven't hurt anyone, so jail seems excessive. In light of that I have an offer to make you. I need some kind of a merchant and a link between the local towns and such, gathering supplies and information as well as a trained scout. Seeing that I also have not met a better swordsman in quite sometime, I think you would make a fantastic sparring partner for myself and the boy here. Also there is one more thing, this may sound odd but just trust me, I want you to meet someone. I think it's important that you do. " L.J. offered. The proposal seemed to catch Wesley unaware. After a moment he responded. “So let me get this straight. I impersonate you, try to rob you and then attack you. Your response to all this is to offer me a position in your camp?” L.J. just smirked. “Yes, that's what I'm offering you, maybe I'm slipping, or maybe I just know a valuable ally when I see one. ” He responded as he extended his hand. “I humbly accept, I take it you may want this back. ” He said as he offered the silver blade back to L.J.. “No you keep it, It seems to serve you better anyway. But you wouldn't by any chance have any other daggers, one with a little bit more a ....WOW factor?” Wesley gave a nod. “A man who understands the need for showmanship, in fact I do. I have this little beauty here, its name is White Lightning. Please take it with my regards. ” He stated as he held out a rather long dagger with a menacing looking serrated edge side that complimented the bladed side. It looked like one side had the standard blade but the other was made into these sharpened teeth. L.J.'s eyes lit up and he happily took it, handled it a moment, feeling the weight before putting on its new home on his belt.
The three of us rode together back to town. Upon arrival the two new friends went off to talk. After a brief conversation L.J. walked him to his home where Rebecca was at. He whispered something into Wesley's ear that made him stop in place and left him speechless. As L.J. showed him in I could only wonder what he said to him. After some time they emerged from the house, L.J. then showed him where he could stay.....with me. I didn't mind, I had the room and frankly would enjoy some company. Logan told me that he wanted me to bond with him, watch him and learn the things he had to teach. He and I both agreed that he could indeed become a very valuable asset. Even though I can tell that there is obviously something more behind bringing him here.
Ah, L.J. is back, he wants to add something. I'll leave it to him then.
Hello Friends,
It's funny, Wesley reminds me so much of myself, I think he will make a great teacher for Brad. He sees the greater good as do I. He has no love for the actions of my family. And you can never have too many strong connections in this day and age. The funny part to me is life's sense of humor, the chance encounters that we all have that sometimes lead to something much bigger.
So Yes, there is one main reason above all others as to why I brought him in. In fact there is more to this man than as just another ally. I wanted to get him here without being asked too many questions. That's one of the burdens of not being able to lie, it's hard to surprise someone. So I just gave him reason after reason in hopes that he would not ask too many questions. See I knew this man before today's encounter. I guess he didn't recognize me now that I am younger looking again. We met about five years ago, he was a teenager then, on the cusp of manhood and we were not introduced by name. It was a trip to a larger town back west that Jack and I were on. We were staying at a house of a women Jack had …...known. It was there I met Wesley, the reason why he stood out to me was that, when we entered the house he greeted Jack as....... Father. Small world is it not?
L.J. Stevans
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