The Chronicles of L.J. Stevans: Part 6. A Response
by David VanCura
Hello Again World,
Good day everyone, I wanted to first address the general readers of these Chronicles. I wanted to assure to that in spite of the blatant threat I received yesterday. The truth will continue to be told. I do not respond well to threats and am certainly not easily scared off by them. I just wanted to let you all know that and also inform you that the statement below is not for the general readers but for the one responsible for yesterdays correspondence.
L.J. Stevans
To Whom it may concern,
You may think that you can bully me out of speaking the truth, but you are quite mistaken. Even if I could to keep the truth locked in, which of course you know I cannot, I wouldn't. These stories will continue to be shared and if you don't like it, well.... I welcome you to my home to attempt to silence me. Many have tried, so far none have succeeded. If you are truly arrogant enough to think I was not expecting a backlash to my decision to go public, and would not prepare accordingly, then you are not only arrogant but incompetent to boot. These are MY Chronicles, My life, My Journey, and I will not be robbed of control of them. Lastly and most pointedly, if you truly believe you are safe behind your anonymous stance you are quite mistaken, your reach may indeed be far, but I am always prepared for the past to return. I guess now the true games will commence.
L.J. Stevans
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