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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Just a Blogger Blog.

Hey guys, as most of you are aware I have been just posting links here on blogger to my other articles through the Triond site, a very shrewd way of getting my view up on that site. I know I'm awful, but hey, I'm fat, crippled, bored and in need of a little ego stroking so I take what I can get. But this post, this post right here, eye listeners, this one is for you....... if you care. I am glad to be writing again, I just could not get my self into the place I needed to be to write a good piece or really any piece. But that all changed for me, I got motivated and juiced up to throw my fingers to the keypad once again and litter the inter-webs with my custom brand of personal imagery.

...Of the Day

The TV show of the day is a tie between Expedition Impossible and America's Got Talent, Great shows and here is a bonus, If you have not checked out Haven and are a Sci-Fi fan of any sorts I highly recommend this show.

Music of the Day is Ozzie anything Ozzie but in particular Blizzard of OZ and Diary of a Mad Man which hands down is his best work.

And for Movie, well to be honest I haven't even seen this flick yet but the trailer got me hooked and I will watch and review it very soon and that's, David Hyde Pierce's The Perfect Host which looks just amazing.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave. Good to have you back. I have followed the links to your other site, but sadly due to time constraints, I have just skimmed through them. But, I will however have a good look at them on my next days off work.Glad you are motivated again. Welcome back. Take care. Liz...
