Well guys I can't stop playing the latest Fallout on the 360 it's addicting as hell and a lot of fun, so I know I have slowed down on the blogs the last day or so but it's simply because I have either been in to much pain or tired or a combo of both, or an event was so emotional that I am not ready to blog it yet. I will touch on it, I almost made a huge mistake over what really equates to a misunderstanding and nearly gave up on my marriage and myself in one swift moment, I can be dumb sometimes. But hey today is a new and better day and while getting back on our feet is going to be long arduous journey at least I have taken the first step and most importantly I have a great partner and friend to help me along the way. So strap in folks the true second part of my life is about to kick off and I will succeed, WE will overcome.
Quick hits
What do you guys think of the Ricky Gervais situation, I love comedy but he did go a little far and he seems like a different person than he was a few years ago, bye the way go check out the invention of lying great flick.
Some parts of Dolly Parton turned 65 years old today now we don't know exactly which parts but neither does she.
Does anyone else love that Pee-Wee is back and will be back on HBO I think it's awesome, a true redemption story that no matter how many times you hear never gets loose in the wrist.
I began watching a show I haven't watched in years, Mystery Science Theater 3000 man what a raw show, they got away with a ton and I think should come back on the air.
I was just on CNN on international and every continent had a link but Australia, what the hell is that, we should write in Liz, don't just sit down their and take it, g'day eye listeners.
G'day Dave. Sent CNN a email this morning asking why good old Oz doesn't have a link, doubt if one voice will make a difference, but stranger things have happened. I did find a section on their web page about Australia and it covers the floods that Queensland and part of Victoria (where I live) are experiencing at the moment. It was a good detailed coverage. Flood waters are not near us, but, our creek below our property was raging on two seperate days last week and it crosses the road to our place and we couldn't get in or out.Have never seen it like that before, didn't do the road any good as it washed a decent part of it away, it's a dirt road and we had to buy a tipper truck load of gravel to fix it.Good to read you are feeling a bit better and your outlook is positive.Take care. Liz...
ReplyDeleteWhen Ricky Gervais said "Thank God I am an atheist" he reminded me of my brother in law who always said not to put down an athiest because we never know at what point in his life he may remember that here is GOd.