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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Satan's vacation home.....not bad......a little warm.

So after one full night away from our old place ( after moving into late night Mel. decided to stay the night in lieu of going back ) I have to say my hosts are quite wonderful, now I am sure this is subject to change but we all had a nice time all things considered. I feel good about things moving forward and I know that this is temporary and we will be back on our feet shortly. The move did take a bad physical toll on me, I mean it's pretty sad that a hour car ride and helping ( briefly ) to not let a TV fall and walking up some stairs can take such a tremendous toll on me but it did. I am more than used to it by now and it only took an hour to cry myself to sleep so all in all not bad.

HEY HEY HEY tonight is the night, NFC Title up for grabs ( 17-7 Bears I think I had it ) C'mon football gods a fat crippled guy really needs this one.

Fallout New Vegas is one awesome game, Glitched like crazy but very solid ( overall ) and very fun, decent story although it needs to be expanded on some ( I have not finished the main story yet so that is subject to change ) but I have spent about 30 hours in the game and honestly I am just wondering around having fun seeing places that really do exist and that I have been to. I moved to Vegas when I was 8-9 years old and stayed till I was 18 so it's really cool to see these places in a game. So at thins point I would say the game is in a solid 7.5 - 8.5 range depending on the rest of the story.


ZSA ZSA Gabor is heading home one week after having her led amputated. You know I met her once very nice, although now that I reflect on it her personality was I tad limp. OK I am horrible cheap shot I mean that joke doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Ivanka Trump is preggers, boy some dude just hit the mega lotto right? She is beautiful and she's a trump and now no matter what this guy is connected with her and her dad ( I think he might be a famous rich developer or something) forever.

Bulls win again very nice job this year, man what a year for Chicago sports Blackhawks won it all and are looking good again, Bulls a very good team, Bears in the NFC Title game now we just need the Cubbies to step it up and the White Sox to be kicked out of the league and we are set.

Alright eye listeners I am outta here. Bear down.

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