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Friday, January 14, 2011

Waking up is hard to do.

Good morning blog-o-sphere
    How did you all sleep, I hope better then I did which is to say not very well. I thought I would give you some insight on my current situation with all this stuff as far as pain and sleeping and the such. I sleep downstairs in the living room of our ( current ) place just as I did the last place we lived when I was still in the military and that has nothing to do with my WANTING to do so with my wife, see I have a mattress down here I sleep on so I don't roll to much or fall out of bed because if that were to happen I would be done and it's hospital time which is never fun. The last 2 times I had to be rushed to the hospital ( which was in my last place on the 3rd floor and keep in mind I'm a very big guy, around 350lbs to which I'm not proud ) I had to be cherry picked out of my living room window, being sedated in my house only to awaken dangling out of my window 3 stories up was very scary and unsettling. So going through that in any variation is noT a prospect I would like to undertake again. So I sleep down here away from my wife like I have for over 3 years now and it sucks, truth be told also my wife has a tendency to flail and hit me in her sleep which would also be bad if it were in the wrong spot. Couple all the with the fact I've become a very light sleeper that SNOARS very loudly and boom we have a big problem. She's working right now while I stay home with my brat and try not to hurt my self more than I already am, she is my hero in many ways, and my best friend despite the fact we and our marriage are not perfect. ( Who is? Even though my mother would tell you she's the closest thing. Chalk up my mommy and daddy issues to another topic I will save for later and you won't wanna miss that. ) So I don't wanna keep her awake she does so much already even if I don't always give her the credit she deserves. OK on the the hot button topics this morning, these are the things I see on the web around the world as I awaken this fine day.

I love that the 3 Lebrons over there in Miami lost it's second strait game last night now I know they just came off a huge string of wins like 21 in 22 games but many EXPERTS didn't have them losing 10 games all year let alone 11 by the ALL-STAR break, not to wish bad on anyone but after how he did Cleveland dirty like that he has some bad stuff coming and while I like to watch him play ( I mean really he is great, no M.J. , but still great ) I hope he becomes the next Barkley or Karl Malone ( greatness and in the HOF but no ring ) even more so if that means the advancement of D-Rose of my Baby Bulls ( see I didn't mark out for my team till the end there ).

Love the trash talk with the Jets-Pats game even though I would NEVER do so to Tom Brady, he's like his Airness you don't wanna piss him off. I remember a story from the 90's there was a player I can't seem to remember his name right now that the media proclaimed Baby Jordan and he had some unkind works for the Duke of Dunkington and I do remember what happened next when M.J. blew him up on the court I mean WOW just torched him so bad they to hit the sprinklers at half time. Shortly after this baby Jordan's numbers dropped as did his minutes until he would be gone from the league sooner rather than later never achieving the levels of hype that was placed upon him by himself and the media. Brady is the same way he's a winner ( and by the way I am not a fan but have great respect for him ) and you don't piss him off let alone call him an a-hole on TV and that ancient device known as radio.

Lesser but sick note L.T. ( Lawrence Taylor ) pleads guilty to the multitude of crimes he has committed and while this is not his first run in with the law he will get zero jail time but will still be a hero in NY and to the football world while Mr. Vick on the other hand still doesn't get a fair shake from the media ( hell one Fox news guy, you all know who I mean actually called for his execution just sick ). I just don't get it.

Cam Newton will come out for the draft and this time it's OK for his Dad to have his hand out.

Happy MLK weekend everyone enjoy the time off and try to love one another, literally if you are so inclined.
From CNN - A teenager who was scared of water drowned in the Queensland floods after begging rescuers to save his younger brother first. The death toll from the floods has risen to 15, and there are fears it could grow further.
Just sad.

OK you guys don't know how much I will be on today my parents are coming to help me get the house packed up and stuff so it'll be a fun day I'm sure and I will fill you in later. thanks for eye listening

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