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Monday, January 17, 2011

Sad time for a Daddy.

Well guys my daughter went back with my parents and I am not dealing with it very well, I know it's just until I figure out what's next and yeah it's only an hour down the road but still. I feel like a failure even though everyone is telling me it's just the situation I know better. I know there had to be something more I could have done, I don't know what but there has to be something. Maybe it's just my pride I don't know, all I do know is I do not enjoy feeling this way, and I am trying to figure a way out of it, but for now all I have is you guys so here's to you all my friends, my eye listeners.

Quick hot button stuff.

From Yahoo - Steve Jobs turns over the reins again, two years after receiving a liver transplant. 
Now here is a guy who works to hard right.

Golden Globes last night, didn't watch but very glad Glee did well Great Great show, that's right those greats get big G's.

Happy MLK day everyone , love each other, be a little more tolerant of the people around you today if not any other, peace.


  1. So, I am your first offical follower. Go me! Dave if there is anything you need from me and Trey let us know! We have a 5 bedroom house here in TX that would love to have you and your family. I mean it if you need anything let me know. So, you have to share what the VA said cause I wanna write your congressman...

  2. I am so sorry David. As a parent it is hard hearing that your mom has your daughter. I have been on hard times before and I know what feeling like a failure as a parent feels like. You did the best thing for her right now is letting your mom take her until you all get back on your feet. It may not feel like it but it will be a tremdous help to both of you to get back on your feet. I've never lived overseas so I don't know what the economy is like (shit I don't know nothing about europe, but I've seen pictures!). I was wondering if it would be easier getting help if you moved back to the U.S.
