Here's is a question posed to me in part recently. Can 1 voice make a difference? A great many people say a resounding and understandable NO, based on the track record of the human race, while others namely idealists and and such say YES, and that by merely expressing your voice you have made a difference. Well I think first it is important to understand that there is a huge gap between difference and change, a change even at a fundamental level is very difficult to hit the masses, unless affected by a larger medium, say natural disasters, and such. While a difference is made all the time and is affected by us and our actions and voices, even if that difference is just holding off the inevitable, the things we say does make an impact on the people around us, and depending on if the right person for your cause is listening and that proverbial perfect storm happens then some differences can be greater in scale than others. So my new outlook is lets stop trying to make change and lets focus on the difference we all make in each others lives.
Quick hits.
Bulls edge out the Mavs once again behind Derrick Rose, once Noah gets back in there, watch out.
The closer we get to the Bears Pack game the more excited I get, OK lets make my picks, Bears over Pack 17-7, while the Jets win again by eeking out Pit 21-20.
Finally, did you see the video of the lady texting on her phone and fell into a Mall's fountain and didn't get hurt or anything, well now she wants to sue over people laughing at her and that no one came to her aid. Come on man that's all I can say, Come on man, all righty-roo eye listeners I've gotta lay back down before my back catches on fire.
I don't know. They are both going to be really close games. The bears and packers game will be the biggest though. It will be awesome! I can't wait to watch it on my new 1020 DPI tv!!