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Friday, May 20, 2011

I got the brain muddles.

      Hey guys, over the past couple of weeks I started mining my old articles here for things to post on my " new " blog on Triond, I wanted to see if any of my stuff was readable to a bigger group of people, they do a good job of putting your pieces on different sites that are specific to what you are writing, adn so far the response has been good. However I have not really written anything new and I didn't really want to double post too much. My body has not really been doing very well lately and every year when I get close to my annual reminder of my impending death or " Birthday " to all you non insane people out there, my head gets like this. And then a funny thing happened a few minutes ago, woke up and got a post from my dear friend Liz wishing me a happy birthday and it reminded me that I have to stop being a tardo and get over myself a bit and remember to stay connected to the world I have lost touch with, because that was the point of this blog in the first place, so in short folks, I'm back. And you can expect some new stuff out my noggin very soon, of course barring we all don't burn in eternal hellfire as this newest doomsday craze suggests, more on that soon enough as well as much more including a detailed look at the life and times of the lastest of the late great taken too soon from us Wrestlers The Macho Man Randy Savage. But for now I close with a very sincere and heart felt thank you to you Liz just for being the wonderful and awesome kind friend and person you are, I am honored to call myself your friend and I mean that with every inch of my heart and take care of that wrist, so until a bit later eye listeners I'm out this mess.


  1. Happy Birthday! Look at the positive things in life instead of the negatives. I hope your birthday is great!

  2. G'day Dave. Thank you for the lovely words. I do appreciate them. I hope you had a truly great birthday. I had a glass of wine with tea last night and I had a toast to you. Glad you are back. I missed reading your blogs and thought something may have been wrong. I didn't know Randy Savage had died. I will look it up on the net. Keep in touch Dave. Take care. Liz...
