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Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Chronicles of L.j. Stevans: Part 5. a Message Sent

by David VanCura

Mr. L.J. Stevans,
     You would be wise from this moment on to watch the things you decide to post. WE are watching, and not all of us are as friendly as I. We have met before and we will again down the road, the time is not yet set, but if your recent actions continue to ruffle the wrong feathers our rendezvous can and will occur much sooner. These truths you go about, do you really think it as cut and dry as you make it out to be? There is much you do not yet know, but you will learn I assure you. The end is inevitable, there is much to answer for. Do you think your words do not come with a cost? The truth ALWAYS has a price indeed, but are you willing to pay it Mr. Stevans.

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