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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Away from the list another question emerges.

Hey guys, well I was talking to a good friend of mine, a dude with very, shall we say interesting views, he seems to not see how confrontational his view are with each other, but then again most of us don't and that's fine. At first I thought it was just because he was a Jersey D-bag, and I say that with the utmost love for this guy but hey Jersey is Jersey. After thinking about it, his conflicting thoughts are not " Jersey " related at all, but maybe one of the best example of humanism I have ever seen. You see as a species like any other animal on this planet we want to be able to grow, mate, adapt, and survive but as humans we want something else, reason, understanding, comprehension, which is what divides us from the animals, a dog doesn't try to understand why he licks his butt, but, or should I say however if a human were to do something even the most benign we want understanding of why we do it. And that is what I took from our talk yesterday. Principles of right and wrong are clearly etched but very often skewered through differing ideologies, religious view or even upbringing, now while the 3 may seem interlaced it's the experiences along those varied paths that determine our personalities and by proxy our " morale compass ". But it is only by questioning those views, those principles do we find our way back to the most primitive of desires, growth, which for us can be directly connected to our capacity to understand them and with time ourselves. Love ya Tommy, thanks for pushing my mind to this train of though, haven't been that focused in a while.

In other news, the new Glee was awesome, though I do wish, even though I have ZERO issue sexuality and the choices that lay within, they would stop shoving it down our throats.

My thoughts on JFK are as followed, I don't think a crime as big as taking a Presidents life on a stage such as that cold morning can be carried out by one buy, many different agendas were realized that day and adding to that the way it all was made a spectacle of in court and on TV and in many Blogs, hmmmm hmmmmmmm, for years to come, you have a self perpetuation cover and distraction to all the events that came before and after his death, just a thought. Kinda disappointed no one responded, if you all are not into it I can move on it's all good, just let me know eye listeners.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave. I'm having a bit of trouble with my blog page at the moment. All of the blogs I have been following have disappeared, will have to sort it out. I have always thought there was more than one person behind the JFK killing.But it sure has remained a great mystery all of these years. I haven't had a chance to have a look at the link you posted, but, will do so.Take care. Liz...
