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Monday, April 18, 2011

Great idea and Go BULLS.

Hey folks well the Bulls are now up 2 - 0 on the Pacers and even though they still are not playing their best ball, they are getting the job done, so as Charlie Sheen would say .... duh winning.

Average Raw tonight the draft is next week so it will be fun to see who changes brands and also the Rock will be back on May 2nd so that should be fun if you smell what the Rock is cookin.

My Cubbies won a nice game tonight to pull back to 500 ball which is nice, just try to keep it together early and stay in it guys.

 My 18 month retirement evaluation is coming up and maybe I can see a bit more money lord knows I need it.

OK so I have been trying to think of what my next list should be and I got it, this should be fun, controversial and thought provoking, even more so if you guys join in.

The Top Ten Unanswered Questions In The World.

For number 10 I'm going old school, with maybe one of the biggest questions and the reason for many conspiracy theory groups out there. Feel free to answer and how this will work is I will wait a day for you guys then chime in with my thoughts the next day and intro the next question.

Number 10.

Who really killed JFK?

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