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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fun begins with 4.

 Baseball kicks off today guys and I couldn't be more excited, Basketball is winding down, Football may not start winding up and MLB needs to take advantage and have a spectacular year. Once again I will be hoping for my beloved Cubbies to make a splash but I am not holding my breath.

The world remains hectic and more and more strange animal stories are popping up in the news. But looking back through history these animals deaths and encounters are not out of the norm, it's just the closer we get to 2012 and really the further along mankind gets as far as just living and breathing on this planet, the more people will try to place deeper meaning on average events. Now that is not new either, since the dawn of time things and events we cannot explain have been given deeper meaning, and in my opinion is what shaped religion in the first place. Tell me if this sounds too unlikely to you because it seems very likely to me, Early man, primitive but speaking, walking upright and all that jazz, are going about daily tasks when suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes a nearby tree, everyone freaks trying to figure out what just happened, maybe this time they start to think but don't come to any real conclusions. Then another day a bolt of lightning strikes someone and kills them dead in their tracks, now everyone panics because the sky is now killing them, is it beyond reason that one of them really freaks and tells everyone that it's a man in the sky punishing them for the things they are doing, or just as an cause of what just happen to calm everyone down. The more these things happen the more the guy explains, realizing people are listening to him and basically doing what he says. I mean after all he was the one who knew what was happening why wouldn't they listen. So now this guy, understanding he has power, writes the rules in which his new found flock of people should live by, all things that HE thinks is the best way people should live, and from there religion is born and basically takes on a life of it's own. I can see that happening because we as a whole cannot understand everything and that is scary and most people like being told what the cause is if it's deeper than them, bigger than they are, and will take it on the word of the speaker alone. I mean think about all the different religions you know of and the major differences in those theologies, the reason for that could easily be the distance between groups of people and each group had a
 different person who understood the world, and different thoughts on how to explain the natural world to best control his people, seems very likely to me. Either way it's something to think about.

Well guys we are rounding third on our way to here in the countdown, and things are getting bigger as far as talent and names. If think about it then you could more than likely guess the top 4, no secrets here, no surprises except maybe the order, I hate to go with the flow of other people's list out there but hey these guys are the real deal in action and are the most responsible for the action movement in the 80's and 90's. They did more action movies grossed more cash and put more butts in the seats than anybody else, and guess what they are not only still making films, they are still making action films, so sit back grab some popcorn and enjoy.

Remember back in the list when I said Mel Gibson created one of the greatest characters of all time in Martin Riggs. Well here's the other Detective John McClain, not much more to say on him, fantastic everyman guy here, at least up till that good awful 4th Die Hard. All guys could connect with this guy he was the guy that sat next to you or the cop that was your partner or he was you, just very reachable as a person. But not many people know that he played a very similar guy in the over the top goof ball film Hudson Hawk and there in lies the reason I can't put Bruce Willis any higher than 4th. He is kinda one dimensional, every guy he plays is really the same guy but he does it better than anyone else and in action that is that matters. To borrow a line from Lemmy of MotorHead  " We only know 4 cords, but we know them well. And that's all that matters So welcome to number 4 Mr. Willis. Enjoy eye listeners.

Dave's Top Ten Action stars.

10. Bruce Campbell
9. Ladies of Action - Milla Jovovich***
8. Steven Seagal
7. Mel Gibson
6. The Western - John Wayne and Clint Eastwood
5. Martial Arts - Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, JCVD and Chuck Norris
4. Bruce Willis

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave. That is a thought provoking blog. A few years ago a workmate and I were talking about what it must have been like for the first humans when they saw an eclipse of the moon or lightening or maybe even the Northern Lights (Auroa Borealis). We wondered what they made of them!! Interesting stuff Dave. Our footy season has just kicked off here, so I can understand why you are excited about the sports you love. Loved the Die Hard films and Bruce Willis. Take care. Liz...
