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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dazed and confused

I just was having one of the worst pain attacks I have had in quite a long time, and I found a stash of like my last 2 pain pills. See my clinic where I am in Germany is not really seeing Retirees and it's very hard to get care over here, I would go to on the economy but I simply don't have the cash right now, as retirees we have to pay out of pocket and then we get it back at a later date and honestly that's just not an option for me. I tell you all of this not for a poor me factor but just to try and give perspective on what I and many other vets are facing, even more so when after 13 months of waiting for a VA claim to be processed they come back with very skewered conclusions that only seem to not only to have wasted my and their time, but really shows how our country still does not care about the wounded warriors and it's just not right. So I ask of you all to pass this blog on, get the word out lets get heard and try to help, and then maybe by doing good for others, help will someday be afforded to me, or even you with any problems you may be facing in your journey's. And I hope that happens for all of you and if it does then great but for now spreading awareness is the goal send this blog to Oprah maybe she can make a difference I don't know. In the mean time if you know a Vet try and show em some support because the one thing I know we all feel is isolated and we can always use another friend. So until later thanks for eye listening.

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