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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Some things you can't take things back.

My parents just went back to their house to drop some stuff back and they are coming back later, we hope, but who knows. But before they left my Mom made a situation that started out as one thing but ended as a total different thing all together, it was so crazy it would have almost been funny if it weren't so sad. I just don't know how I am supposed to get over this, she said something pretty awful even by her standards, and it's gonna be a challenge to get over it, my wife even more than me but I don't really wanna get into the specifics but I just needed to talk to someone and you are the only one to seem who will just listen, because this is gonna get worse at some point, down the road this will resurface and it's gonna be ugly, and to top it off my leg and back are just messed up, I am feeling like shocks in my make right down my spine which makes me worry my stimulator is broken and couple with the fact I can't feel my left leg below the knee and I am very concerned. I want to type more but it will have to later because I can't sit up, so peace everyone, thanks for eye listening.

1 comment:

  1. Well, what happened? DON'T EVER HESITATE TO COME TO ME EVER!!!! You need to talk you know how to reach me. I am limited on how to reach you. I hope things go better when your mom gets back.
    P.S. BEAR DOWN!!!
