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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Goes to show ya

I was just on CNN looking at some stuff and I saw Ted Williams THE VOICE on and now he is saying he is still drinking and has checked into rehab, I found this sad because I thought it was a great story of inspiration. In truth it is not surprising to hear, he has battled a tough road and has been hit with instant fame and that can be hard to deal with, you see I can relate My Step dad/( In my mind real Dad ) is a recovering alcoholic for like 15 years and to be honest he is my rock , he came into my moms and mines life when I was 16 and turned my life around or in my words saved me and showed me how to be a man and later help me with lessons on being a father and husband, even now when I am facing some of my hardest struggles of my life he is there trying to support and being my example of what a man is ......I mean is he a douche sure but he's my douche and I love every bit of his duchy ways, but I digress he has battle this problem that he and THE VOICE share and I've seen the toll it can take even if he thought I wasn't looking I saw and I know the toll it can take so I know that this is a hard road Mr. Williams faces but just like my Dad he can overcome as long as he allows others to be in his life and share the love they have to give because rich or poor the love of the people that matter and more importantly the love and respect that you should have for yourself can conquer any of life challenges even the ones we place in front of ourselves.

OK so a priest, a pedophile a rapist walk into a bar ..... and that was just the first guy. OK bad joke sorry for the jab there super religious people but we have to laugh at the things that upset us sometimes and take heart in knowing that I am a Catholic and even I can laugh at it a bit if not......then I look forward to your letters.

I'm also Polish so this is OK too but it's not as bad as the other.

A polish guy walks into a store goes up to the guy at the counter and say hey sir can I buy 10 pounds of Polish sausage and the guy takes a moment smirks and asks hey are you Polish, Suddenly the Polish man erupts with anger and says. Look pal if came in here asking for Bratwurst would you ask if I were German? The man replies No. If I asked for Italian sausage would you ask if I were Italian? Again the man says no. Well if I asked for tacos would you say hey buddy are you Mexican? Of course not said the man. Then why oh why that just because I ask for Polish sausage do you ask me if I'm polish? The man clearly amused stated flatly Buddy this is a hardware store.

Please forgive if I run on sometimes.

I want to use this site for all means, fun, info or just to escape so buckle up folks it's gonna be a long ride, thanks again for eye listening.

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