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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just a just in case.

I know my last post was very passionate and in my vigor I may have overstated or at least not stated properly, I am in no way way saying Jesus was a Zombie, I am not religious but I have studied many faiths and think the idea of a deity or deities is perfectly fine for anyone to have. That being said I was trying to use stretched hyperbole to make a clever connection between the many incredible things stated in the bible that many put their faith in, and simply letting the idea of zombies into your minds. If I did offend anyone I am very regretful of that, but I should have stated so earlier, instead of hoping the words would speak clear for me, re-reading my post I can where someone of devout faith may take offense but it was a connection on the coming back from the dead and nothing more. But now that I think about it wouldn't that make one hell ( and I use that word on purpose ) of a movie, a highly offensive one yes but I can see it now Jesus ....eating peo......OK now I'm sure I offended someone, I look forward to your letters, if for no other reason than to say relax it's only an idea based from a way of taking the text from the bible and spinning it on it's ear. Remember folks WE ARE TALKING ABOUT FICTION HERE. Now my personal belief is yes the Zombie dooms day is coming but I have just as much right to that thought as you do for thinking Christ walked on water and such, as the late great George Carlin stated remember folks it's all bullshit and it's all bad for you. Liz thank you as always for your candor and I'm glad you can see the humor of what I was trying to say and for anyone else please re-read above statement and have a wonderful morning/day/prevening/or night. Peace eye listeners.


  1. To really know is the only way to really understand you. I do think it was nice to point out your error to other readers who may not understand your meaning. The trailer for your moive is catchy!

  2. G'day Dave. Sometimes what we say or write about when it come to the thoughts that whirl around in our head can get us into trouble, haven't we all been there at some stage in our life? I know I have. I could see the funny side in what you meant and I had to laugh when I just read this last notation about apologising if the previous blog offended anyone, but, then after all that you could still picture a movie about a bad Jesus. I think you too have a sense of humour.Go for it Dave, more power to you. Take care. Liz...
