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Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Sad, Sad, Day.

Well..... my friends I don't know how to put this......This may be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do or say....or type.  So I guess I just have to say it......It turns out after all of my hype and excitement ......that. . . Yes folks .....Zombie Jesus already is here. On film and even has a day. But Rejoice friends for while I'm not as creative or as original as I thought or hoped this means that Zombie Jesus is here YEAH!!!!! Just Google his name and BAM you'll see trailers, Pictures all kinds of stuff so do not not weep for me for our zombie savior is here among us at last. They even had a great tag line - Prepare to be converted. Now that is a great double pun folks. In reading even more I have found that Zombie lord was on Matt Groening's 'Futurama. I have included a couple pic. that I liked the most so here he is in all his glory. To be honest I am much put to rest here because it is really a win/win for me. I get to enjoy him now and be comforted to know that if indeed there is a Hell I am not goona be goning before all these other fine folks. Indeed REJOICE eye listeners.

1 comment:

  1. G'day Dave.

    Hallelujah. Praise the Lord....

    Take care. Liz...
