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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscar Fever

I just watched the entire Academy Awards and well wow overall a bore, I love Anne Hathaway love her,just beautiful and was funny but James Franco, well is it me or did he seem high, and for the first half of the show like he didn't give a crap he was there. That should make it almost a lock that Billy Crystal will host his 9th Oscars next year. The Kings Speech was dominant and Inception nabbed the tech awards but it was the very first F-bomb in Oscar history that will be the talk of this years show. 83 Shows never happened but now it has, other than that a bore. I am feeling a tad better ....not eating anyone so that's a plus. Can't sleep.....shocker so I thought I would bang out a nice blog. Great basketball tonight Knicks got the Heat which I liked and the Lakers are starting to roll ( suck it Patrick ). Oh Jeff Gordon won a race but it's driving so who cares ( not a fan ) and lastly my Black Hawks are starting to roll.... just in time. More later guys.

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