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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You know what

This is just a quick thing about thoughts, I like to think about strange things like what if a cheetah in full pursuit of a gazell pulled a hamstring or if Dracula needed fake teeth, just some of the strange things that go through my mind on a daily basis. Thought I would share a few with ya. Like wha if a really strong midget wanted to compete in an arm wrestling contest would they stack a bunch of phone books together for him. I stopped with the mainstream news stuff for the time being because well simply put it's far too depressing so here's the ... of the day eye listeners.

Song/Band of the day - My fav. band Dream Theater - Images and words, take a listen to that album and you will become a fan

Movie of the day - Berry Gordy's Last Dragon... classic

TV show is still Glee did you see that last episode great great stuff.

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